Omega-3, Supplement For All Ages

One of the growing alternatives for omega 3 today is as treatment for chronic inflammatory conditions just like gout, lupus, IBS and arthritis.

What's great about omega – 3 is the variety of areas that it can cover, aside from preventing and treating inflammation, it may also be used in treating cardiovascular diseases and complications as well as enhancing the brains.

But let's go back to arthritis; although research shows that the relationship of omega – 3 and arthritis is going strong, it only specified having effect on certain types of arthritis, two actually and those are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis:

Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of inflammatory condition that makes the body's immune system attack either its own joints or other parts of the body. This disease can strike any age, gender, color or race; it can happen to anyone.

The most popular ways to cure rheumatoid arthritis are through anti – inflammatory medication and aspirin, however, these two were found to have harmful effect on the stomach. Studies show that fish oil benefits people suffering from this condition as it treats the rheumatoid without the side effect; it acts as an anti – inflammatory while lessening the symptoms of rheumatoid as well.

Aside from these, omega 3 has showcased capabilities to minimize the joint stiffness as well as the pain among patients who regularly take omega 3 – supplements.


The second type is osteoarthritis, this is a more common type of arthritis as compared with rheumatoid. And unlike the former, this one is generally found among the elderly; it is known as a biological aspect of aging.

There are only medications provided for this type of condition and usually, the process and the medication comes with a lot of side effects, both harmful and non – harmful. Fish oil supplements have the properties to help reduce the swelling, stiffness and joint pains among people with osteoarthritis.

The Real Pain Relief:

What omega – 3 does exactly is it aids in controlling the arthritis symptoms. Most patients who were given regular omega 3 supplements had a lesser number of tender joints, especially in the morning, stiffness was also lessened and an improvement in grip strength was observed.

There were actually studies that suggest people who are taking fish oil supplements as a means to cope with arthritis have a lesser requirement of pain medication. However, it is very important to note that even with the many positive effects offered by omega – 3, it is still important to take anti-rheumatic drugs to keep the disorder under control.

Aside from adding more omega – 3 or fish oil supplements into the patient or any individual diet, it will also work best if the type of food that creates inflammation is removed from the menu list. The most typical of all are fried foods, fast foods and processed foods; the usual suspects. While it is always best to go or fresh, home – cooked meals, keep the white rice, cream bread and pasta off the options.

This is a guest posting from Samuel Ken from Fatty Acids Hub.