Drug Free Testosterone Replacement For Men

Testosterone is an androgen (male) steroid hormone.

Testosterone is needed to form and maintain the male sex organs and promote secondary male sex characteristics such as voice deepening and hair growth patterns.

It also is involved with muscle growth and bone development and maintenance.

Low testosterone, also called hypogonadism, occurs when the testes produce smaller amounts of testosterone than is considered a normal range.

Aging, obesity, injury, medications, anabolic steroids, infection and certain conditions and diseases can all interfere with testosterone production.

If you have low testosterone, there are a few herbs and testosterone boosting nutritional supplements you can try you before you commit to testosterone replacement therapy.

These natural supplements can be just as effective, and most of us don't like to use drugs if nutrients can accomplish the same objective.

Natural herbs can take care of this very important business without delivering the nasty side effects that drugs and artificial hormones do.

And in men, these side effects can be quite nasty indeed.

Side Effects Of Testosterone Replacement Therapy:

When a man gets his hormones artificially, in the form of a cream, gel, or injection, he's sending his body a message. A message that says, don't worry about this hormone thing anymore, because we've it covered for you now.

Unfortunately, his body listens to this message very closely.

It responds by shutting down the testis, leading to an unpleasant condition know as testicular atrophy. This happens because the testis no longer need to produce testosterone anymore, now that the hormones are coming in from an outside source.

And like a broken arm or leg bound inside a cast, they atrophy, waste away, and shrink in size.

But that's that's just the beginning for most...

Long term users of testosterone replacement products also suffer from wild mood swings, water retention, cystic acne, depression, hostility and quite often, gynecomastia, or the development of man-boobs.

Sadly, if a man goes to see a doctor about his low testosterone problem, testosterone replacement is usually the only option offered.

There will be no discussion about diet, exercise, chemical avoidance, or natural supplements, just the drugs, the artificial hormones, and the negative side effects that always come along with them.

Herbs For Testosterone Replacement:

Fortunately, there is another option that involves using herbs gifted to us by mother nature.

Natural supplements that have been used by primitive cultures for centuries, to boost testosterone, enhance libido, and bring hormones back into equilibrium.


This bark, which comes from a small tree in Northern Brazil, has been used as a hormone enhancer by indigenous tribes of the Amazon Rain forest for thousands of years.

This herb packs a one two punch, as it boosts male hormones, and works as an effective erectile dysfunction treatment as well.

Mucuna Pruriens:

Mucuna Pruriens is a small plant that grows in the tropical regions of Africa and India. Each spring, the plant grows pods that contain tiny little beans.

A mere gram of these beans contain a whopping 40 grams of l-dopa, a precursor to dopamine, a very powerful libido enhancer for both men and women.

Other Herbal Remedies:

Other options include Ashwagandha, a natural hormone supplement that can be taken at night, Tongkat Ali, a very potent testosterone booster from Indonesia, and Butea Superba, a little known libido herb that has been used by the natives in Thailand for hundreds of years. Ginseng, yohimbe and tribulus terrestris

Herbal remedies for low testosterone, while widely available over-the-counter, may produce health complications. Talk to your doctor before beginning treatment, particularly if other medications are part of your regimen.



Mark Wilson is a male hormonal health coach. He writes about testosterone and how to boost low testosterone levels.

This is a guest posting from Mark Wilson at boost-your-low-testosterone.com.