
Species Name: Urtica galeopsifolia.

Also known as: Nettle, big string nettle, common nettle, stinging nettle, gerrais, isirgan, kazink, nabat al nar, ortiga, grande ortie, ortie, urtiga, chichicaste, brennessel, gross d’ortie, racine d’ortie.

What is Nettle: Nettle, or stinging nettle, is a perennial plant. It grows in temperate and tropical wasteland areas around the world.

It grows 2 to 4 meters high and produces pointed leaves and white or yellowish flowers.

Nettle is well-known for its painful sting when the skin touches the hairs and bristles on the leaves and stems.

Home remedies using nettle:

Benefits of Nettle:

The benefits of the herb, nettle is vast. Studies have shown that nettle lowers blood pressure, reduces inflammation, lowers blood pressure, heals wounds, aids in menstruation, relieves benign prostate problems and prostatitis, works very effectively as a diuretic, alleviates some symptoms of arthritis, and controls oily hair and dandruff.

Uses of Nettle:

Nettle is a powerful diuretic, antihypertensive, strengthening blood, reduces allergies, reduces inflammation, aids in menstruation, prostate problems, pain killer, heals wounds, lowers body temperature, arthritis and rheumatism, and helps control oily hair and prevent dandruff.

Nettle products are now available in tablets, capsules, and tinctures, widely available at most health food stores at very reasonable prices.

Nettle is traditionally used as an infusion. One cup, taken two to three times daily, reduces inflammation. Capsules are available, and should be taken two grams, two to three times daily, or a tincture of two to three ml. of nettle, two to three times daily, promotes menstruation, relieves pain, kills germs, stops hair loss, lowers body temperature, increases urination, stops bleeding, dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, and heals wounds

Side Effects of Nettle:

Cautions: Nettle may lower blood pressure and heart rate.

Long term use should be avoided due to nettle’s diuretic effects.

Nettle has been documented in animal studies to lower blood pressure and heart rate. Those with heart conditions should seek the advice and supervision of a health practitioner to determine if nettle is suitable for their condition and to monitor its effects.

Nettle has been documented to have diuretic effects. Chronic use of this plant may be contraindicated in various medical conditions where diuretics are not advised. Chronic long-term use of any diuretic can cause electrolyte and mineral imbalances.

Consult your doctor if you choose to use this plant chronically for longer than 30 days concerning possible side effects of long term diuretic use.  

Nettle may potentiate heart medications and diuretic drugs.