Juniper Berries

Species Name: Citharexylum Caudatum.

Also known as: Ginepro, Genevrier, Wachholder, Enebro, Gemeiner, Wacholder, Juniperus communis, Kuli.

It takes the berries on the Juniper plant between two and three years to ripen to the point that they turn blue. This means that you can have both ripened blue berries and green unripe berries on the same plant at the same time.

The blue berries are the ones that are picked and used as herbal remedies. When they are laid out to dry they turn a more blackish color.

The berries from this plant are used as an agent to add flavor to luncheon meat and gin. They also contain nutrients such as vitamin C.

You will receive better results from Juniper berries if they are prepared while they are still fresh.

What is Juniper Berries: Juniper berries are found commonly all through the Northern Hemisphere. This means they can be found all over North Africa, North America, North Asia and Europe.

The Juniper plant can grow up to four to six feet high. The berries from this plant are used in the production of volatile oil. The Juniper plant is considered an invasive plant.

Home remedies using juniper berries:

Benefits of Juniper Berries:

Juniper berries is beneficial when used for kidney and bladder diseases. It is used for stomach problems that include gas, indigestion and ulcers.

It can also help to improve a poor appetite. The oil derived from Juniper berries can be used externally to help relieve discomfort caused by insect bites, cold sores, burns, and scrapes.

Another benefit from Juniper berries is that it helps to soothe aching muscles and joint pain. When the oil is boiled it creates a vapor that is beneficial in loosening bronchial congestion when inhaled.

Uses of Juniper Berries:

  • Bladder and kidney disease
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Minor skin abrasions
  • Stomach conditions
  • Capsule
  • Oil
  • Vapor

Side Effects of Juniper Berries:

There are no serious side effects known to be caused by Juniper berries when used in moderation. Although, some individuals have been reported having seizures or kidney damage when they took high doses for longer than a month.

When used on the skin some people experience irritation resulting in swelling and redness.

Occasionally stomach cramps can result from breathing the vapors of Juniper berries.

It is not recommended to use Juniper berries if you are pregnant or nursing. It is also not wise to give to children.