Red Root Extract

Species Name: Ceanothus americanus

Also Known As: Redroot, Buckthorn Root, Mountain Sweet, Wild Snowball, Jersey Tea, Deerbrush, Lilac Bush, Buckbrush, Tobacco Brush

What is Red Root Extract? Red Root extract is a strong extract that comes from the general Ceanothus family.

The extract comes from various parts of the plant, including the root, the bark of that root, and the leaves of the plant.

The plant is native to North America, generally found in California, Canada, and some of the Eastern parts of the United States.

Home Remedies Using Red Root Extract:

Benefits of Red Root Extract:

Red Root extract is known as an astringent, something that is going to be able to cleanse the body. This is because of the tannins found in the plant, chemicals that help to tighten up the tissues in the body.

This provides a myriad of benefits, including the ability to reduce uterine bleeding, stop diarrhea, heal hemorrhoids and prevent or stop nosebleeds.

Red Root Extracts are also seen as a coagulant, which may be able to increase blood clotting in the body. This will be able to reduce bleeding from small injuries or lacerations. The extract is also believed to be antispasmodic, helping to relax muscle spasms in the body. This is helpful to those who suffer from a chronic cough, or from constant muscle spasms.

The extract also exhibits expectorant properties, which help the body to loosen up phlegm that is stuck in the lungs. This makes Red Root extract a popular herbal remedy for those suffering from the common cold, or from any other type of upper respiratory infection.

It has been used for those suffering from whopping cough, sinusitis, asthma, and chronic bronchitis.

Side Effects of Red Root Extract:

Those who rely on iron supplements will want to stay away from Red Rood Extract. It is believed that the extract can block the absorption of the iron, causing obvious issues for those relying on the supplements.

Because of the coagulant properties of Red Rood Extract, those who are taking blood thinning medications will want to avoid use of the extract.

As with any other form of herbal remedy, women who are pregnant or nursing are advised to avoid Red Rood Extract. Otherwise, Red Root Extract is considered to be safe in small doses, and is also considered safe for continuous and extended use.