Parsley Leaf Extract

Species Name: Petroselinum crispum

Also Known As: Common parsley, rock selinen, persil, rock parsley, garden parsley, hamburg parsley.

Parsley, which may have originated in the eastern Mediterranean region, has bright green leaves and can often be found as a modern garnish for many food items.

This plant has some mystique surrounding its historical use and was associated with the idea of death by the Greeks and the Romans. It was commonly used at funerals, sometimes made into wreaths and as a flavoring for soups.

This plant has also been used in various medicinal applications for thousands of years.

Today it is a popular plant that is present in many gardens.

Parsley leaf extract is derived directly from the leaves of the parsley plant although the seeds and the root have medicinal value. It can also be found in tea and juice form, capsule and bulk form and is an ingrediant in many topical ointments and soaps.

Home Remedies Using Parsley Leaf Extract

Benefits of Parsley Leaf Extract

Historically parsley has been used as a digestive aid, to counter poison, for kidney and bladder issues and to promote menstruation.

Today we know that parsley is a nutritious plant and it is one of the most well known herbs used throughout the world. It contains high levels of potassium, vitamins A, C, D and K and has a good source of calcium, folic acid and chlorophyll.

The nutrition found in the plant itself can help with reducing blood pressure, improving cardiovascular health and reducing cardiovascular disease. As it improves blood pressure it also prevents the start of cardiovascular problems.

Parsley leaf extract is thought to be an effective product for regulating blood sugar levels and can help to reduce low blood sugar.

As a treatment for bad breath this extract is also used as a strong diuretic to increase urine flow. Acting as a mild laxative it can improve the workings of the digestive system, reduce flatulence and help to improve the overall process of digestion.

Today we know it is able to work to remove obstructions from the spleen as well as from the liver, including gallstones and kidney stones. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help with these conditions as well.

While there is limited research available to back up these claims, parsley is still considered a healthy herb. Some studies show that an increase in it may help to reduce the chances of developing cancers, as it may work to improve estrogen levels in those people who have malformations.

Side Effects of Parsley Leaf Extract

Those who are pregnant or nursing should avoid using parsley leaf extract.

Excessive use can cause abortion.

Some people may suffer from allergic reactions to the extract if they are allergic to the plant itself.

Large amounts of parsley extract can cause liver and kidney damage.

Parsley interacts with warfarin, aspirin and water pills. Please consult with a doctor for other interactions not listed and when starting any kind of herbal remedy.

