Lady’s Slipper Extract

Species Name: Paphipedilum

Also Known As: Lady’s slippers, lady slipper orchids, slipper orchids, American valerian, nerve root, two lips, virgin’s shoe, noah’s ark, moccasin flower

Lady’s slipper orchids are found throughout North America and are found in some areas of Asia and Europe.

In the United States, this flower is known as moccasin flower because it looks like a moccasin or a shoe. In the United States, this flower is protected legally from cultivation.

Home Remedies Using Lady's Slipper Extract:

Benefits of Lady’s Slipper Extract:

Lady’s slipper can be used as a dried rhizome or a root and used as a supplement. However, it is also possible, and beneficial, to use it as a liquid extract. It can be used in a tea form or in tinctures.

In all of its forms, this herb may be used to treat numerous health conditions including as a treatment for the flu, for treatment of hysteria and for treatment of similar health conditions.

It is also common for the extract to be mixed with valerian root. Valerian root has a popular ability to calm a person, often aiding in sleep and to reduce anxiety.

There are various uses of lady’s slipper extract including treating epilepsy, hysteria, muscle spasms, nervousness and as a treatment for nervous depression, which is said to be caused by stomach disorders.

It is said to have mildly hypnotic and sedative properties to it as well. In some situations, it can help to reduce the pain from stabbing pains and to reduce pain from headaches.

There are no scientific studies to back up these claims, but many of these treatments have been passed down for centuries.

One of the biggest uses for lady’s slipper extracts is as a way to reduce stress and to help in the treatment of mild depression. It is also used in a tea form as a good way to help people to get to sleep, as a tool for fighting insomnia and anxiety.

Side Effects from Lady’s Slipper Extract:

Lady’s slipper extracts can cause some possible side effects. Side effects may include giddiness, headaches and mental excitement that can lead to hallucinations. In addition to this, some people may have skin inflammations from using the extracts as a topical treatment.

It can lead to restlessness in some people. It can interact with some medications include requip, laradopa and permax. Those who have other plant allergies should avoid using it. It should not be used by those who are pregnant or nursing.