
Also known as: Inositol is sometimes referred to as Vitamin B8, though it is not considered a vitamin itself.

Inositol is a simple sugar which is needed for cell membrane formation and maintaining proper blood glucose levels.

Home Remedies using Inositol:

Inositol is a vitamin that plays an important role as the structural basis for a number of secondary messengers in the membranes of cells and lipids.

Inositol is most prevalent in the heart and brain. It effects nerve transmission, and the transportation of fats.

The function of the cell membrane is to regulate the contents of each cell which makes it possible for each of them to function effectively.

Benefits and Uses of Inositol:

Inositol has health benefits such as:

  • Production of cells in the brain, bone marrow, intestines and eyes
  • Important to the production of glucose
  • Aids communication between nerve synapses
  • Helps reduce the pain associated with diabetic neuropathy
  • Aids in serotonin modulation
  • Promotes healthy hair and hair growth
  • Helps in controlling estrogen levels
  • May assist in preventing breast lumps
  • May benefit the reduction of blood cholesterol levels

Inositol can assist in the following ways:

  • Vital for hair growth
  • Helps prevent hardening of the arteries
  • Important in lecithin formation
  • Important in fat and cholesterol metabolism
  • When taking antibiotics and consuming large amounts of caffeine it can help the body properly metabolize these substances
  • Men have reported that their hair loss decreased with large doses of this substance. However there has been no clinical testing of this reports.

Although inositol can be synthesized in the body, it comes in the following over the counter forms for use as a dietary supplement:

  • Tablet
  • Capsule
  • Liquid in liquid multi-vitamin products

Inositol can be found in:

  • Cereals with high bran content
  • Nuts
  • Beans
  • Fruits, especially cantaloupe melons and oranges
  • Vegetables
  • Meats
  • Milk

Side Effects of Inositol:

No toxic effects are reported with a high intake of inositol, however it may cause diarrhea.

Drinking large amounts of caffeine can deplete the body’s storage of inositol.