
The virus that causes “warts” (HPV) lies in wait for an “unsuspecting” hand or foot to come into contact with it.

This virus can be found on shower floors, hand rails, poolside, and other places touched by hands and feet.

Once the virus has ‘hitched’ a ride on you, a mean-looking, blister-like blemish makes an appearance on your hand or foot. A warts appearance is disgusting and it can contagious, but most warts cause little, if any pain.

Children tend to be affected by warts more than adults. This is most likely because children often don’t “wash” their hands as often as adults, which exposes them to the germs that cause warts.

It’s a good idea to teach your children about the importance of hand washing for health.

Home Remedies for Warts:

Non-Prescription Remedies:

You can buy non-prescription products at your local pharmacy or grocery store for an in-home remedy for warts.

These products are especially helpful when a wart is ‘stubborn’ that other home remedies have failed to naturally cure the wart.

Most of these wart-removal products “freeze” the wart, causing it to fall off.

The virus itself may remain even after using such a product, and if it does remain, another wart could appear.

From Your Toolbox:

It seems so unlikely that an item in your toolbox could be used as a home remedy that naturally cures warts but it’s true.

Duct tape is that ‘unlikely’ natural cure for warts.

Grab the roll of tape from your toolbox and with scissors, cut a large enough piece of tape to cover the entire wart.

Leave duct tape in place for about seven days and the wart should be gone.

Hand Washing:

Hand washing is a powerful tool against the germs that cause warts and illnesses.

Frequent hand-washing isn’t a practice that should be restricted to collections of home remedies, but should be taken with you to school, work, or play.

Wash your hands several times a keep the amount of germs on your hands to a minimum.

Your immune system will” thank you” for that with better health and less occurrences of “nuisances”  such as warts.

Healthy Eating:

Healthy eating is a natural cure for warts and many of the sicknesses that can strike anyone. How?

Consuming a healthy amount of fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy every day will help you maintain a strong and healthy immune system.

A strong immune system is more capable of “combating” the germs that cause sickness and such things as warts.

Healthy eating and a strong immune system is a natural cure against the germs that cause warts and starts in your home.