Reduce Triglycerides

To lower the risk of developing heart disease it is very important to reduce the triglyceride level in your blood.

High levels of triglycerides can lead to a coronary blockage.

What are triglycerides? Triglycerides are fatty deposits created when your body turns carbohydrates into glucose intended for cellular energy.

Once the cells use what they need the rest of the glucose is turned into glycogen by your liver, and then the glycogen is stored in your muscles.

Once your muscles run out of room for the Glycogen the liver again converts what is left and turns the glycogen into triglycerides which are stored as fat. Your body never runs out of room to store fat, it just creates more.

Some of the created triglycerides stay in the blood stream instead of making it into fat storage. This is a big problem as the triglycerides will make your blood thicker. It will become sludgy, increasing the chance of having a blockage in your blood vessels that could cause clotting, a heart attack, or stroke.

Natural Remedies for Reducing Triglycerides:

Reduce Carbohydrate Intake:

Eating fewer carbohydrates is one of the most important things you can do to reduce your triglyceride levels. There is a lot of information on how to do this as Atkins, South Beach, and Zone are just a few of the diet programs created specifically to reduce your carbohydrate levels.

Low carbohydrate diets are often recommended by nutritionists and doctors. A low carbohydrate diet combined with vitamin C and Omega 3 fatty acids will significantly reduce your triglyceride levels.

Herbal Extracts to Reduce Triglycerides:

There are several herbal extracts that have been shown to have a positive effect on triglyceride levels. These include:

  • Guggulipid Extract - an ancient herb from India
  • Tumeric Extract – also offers antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Green Tea Extract – also offers antioxidants


Phosphatidylcholine is a naturally-occurring food substance and nutritional supplement that can be found in egg yolks, lecithin, soy, and corn. If 2700 to 3000 mg are taken each day this ingredient can reduce triglycerides 10-30 percent.

Phosphatidylcholine is in the class of phospholipids, a substance that shows great promise in reducing triglyceride levels and in raising HDL cholesterol.

Eliminate High-Fructose Corn Syrup to Reduce Triglycerides:

High-fructose corn syrup is found in just about everything. Beer, bread, many cereals, and processed food have this ingredient listed on the label. The shocker is that this substance will cause your triglyceride levels to increase as much as 30 percent or more.