Menstrual Problems

Every woman is different and that never shows through truer than in a woman’s monthly cycle. Some women make it through each and every month unscathed and without any real issues, almost skating through the monthly ritual.

While other women suffer from terrible menstrual problems that can plague them month after month their whole lives. There are varying degrees of menstrual problems and fortunately most of them can be easily diagnosed and managed.

Typically women may suffer from cramps, bloating, mood swings, headaches, nausea, pain, and even vomiting or fainting in serious circumstances.

Most women have menstrual problems and learn to deal with them through over-the-counter medications that can bring some great relief.

However for others they may very well need to seek medical attention as their problems may be contributed to other more serious issues or conditions.

If the pain is awful or the cycles seem to change or worsen, then it may be a good idea to consult with a doctor to ensure you know what is going on and how to properly treat the associated menstrual problems.

For others however the use of home remedies for menstrual problems may be the very best solution.

There are some simple ingredients and treatments found around the house that can bring relief and help women to prevent the problems that they suffer through each and every month.

Home Remedies for Menstrual Problems:


We’ve seen parsley show up before as a natural cure, but here it is definitely one of the most valuable home remedies for menstrual problems.

It can bring relief in cramps and even help to regulate the more irregular cycle.

There are active ingredients that may be of great use to those women who suffer month after month with a variety of different symptoms.

Eating parsley with food and even drinking raw parsley juice around the time of the menstrual problems can be of great help.


Eating papaya that isn’t quite ripe yet is another highly effective home remedy for menstrual problems.

It is recommended that a woman eat plenty of barely ripe papaya around her monthly cycle that can help in particular with the cramps that have become a common symptom.

Sesame Seeds:

These gems can offer great relief to women who really suffer with their monthly cycle.

Eating a handful of sesame seeds or even more specifically eating them after they have soaked in water can be an excellent home remedy for menstrual problems.

These seeds will help to keep the blood flow regular and more importantly will lessen the likelihood of cramps ever coming on.

It is recommended to eat them at least 2-3 days before the period is expected to start for best results.