Liver Cleansing

Liver cleansing is recommended for any individual who might be suffering from gallstones. This cleansing can also be undertaken as a precautionary measure in order to ensure that formation of such stones does not happen.

A frequent cleaning of your liver is a great way to remain healthy. Allergies that may have plagued you for long start disappearing with regular cleansing of liver, it also gives an immense boost to your energy levels and improves your digestion manifold.

The liver is responsible for the detoxification of our bodies. The stones that are formed are encapsulations of some dead parasite; hence they have a central clump of bacteria in their makeup.

This is our liver’s way to get rid of parasites by encapsulating them; however thousands of such encapsulations can lead to huge stones which start hindering the normal functioning of the liver and can cause several diseases.

gallstones are generally porous and can easily absorb any bacteria, cysts or viruses passing through the liver.

This can lead to serious diseases and infections.

Natural Cures for Liver Cleansing:

Apple Juice Treatment:

First day: Avoid eating any food at all.

Take 1 glass of fresh unsweetened apple juice early in the morning. One glass should have 8 oz. of apple juice.

After this keep drinking a couple of glasses of this apple juice every two hours till 6pm in the evening.

Second day: Follow the same routine as the first day.

Before going to bed mix 2 to 4 ounces of virgin olive oil with 2 ounces of freshly squeeze lemon juice.

Mix it thoroughly by transferring from one glass to another at least 20 times.

Take the same mix half an hour later.

Within a day of this treatment all the stones and toxins should be thrown out of your body through bowel movement.

This treatment should be repeated again in 14 days for better results.

Coffee Enema:

This might sound thoroughly disgusting but it is a great way of detoxifying your liver.

It basically entails adding coffee to enemas. It is used to removes toxins from the liver and not the colon.

The coffee is absorbed into the entero-hepatic system which causes the liver to empty itself, stones and all into the sigmoid colon from where it is flushed out through bowel movements.

Lemon Juice:

Lemon juice is a natural detoxifier which can work wonders for your liver and gall bladder.

Add a little olive oil to the lemon juice to make this concoction even more effective in getting a squeaky clean liver.