Liver Cleanse

The main job of the liver is to produce bile- as much as one to one and a half quarts in a day.

This bile then flows to the gall bladder which acts as the storehouse and then into the intestines and colon.

Bile is the transportation medium which helps in the smooth transportation of all the undesirable substances in our food including toxins which we do not want our body to ingest.

There are various reasons including a poor diet, excessive consumption of alcohol, reaction to some medications and viral hepatitis which can lead to stone formation not only in the gall bladder but also in the liver.

These stones might be tiny to begin with but they grow in size with time and can eventually start blocking the tubes and hinder in the production of bile.

Less bile translates to lesser of the toxins being flushed out which would cause an even greater increase in the size and number of stones in the liver.

Excessive toxins can also lead to several infections and diseases.

Natural Cures for a Liver Cleanse:

A liver cleanse can remove all gravel and stones from your liver thereby restoring its normal functioning.

It is absolutely imperative for leading a health life and can improve your overall health.

Epsom Salt and Grapefruit Method:

This method of cleansing the liver should ideally be undertaken on a day when you are feeling healthy.

Stop eating 4 hours prior to starting this treatment.

Mix 3 cups of grapefruit juice which has been freshly squeezed with 4 table spoons of epsom salt.

This should be enough for 4 serving.

Drink the 1st serving when the mixture is fresh.

After a couple of hours take another serving.

After another couple of hours squeeze half a cup full of grapefruit juice, remove all the pulp.

Add this juice to some olive oil to get a watery consistency.

Down this concoction in one shot and then immediately lie down and go to sleep.

The next morning immediately after getting up you need to take the third serving of the epsom salt mixture, take the last serving after another couple of hours.

This concludes the treatment and you can start back on your normal diet, include a lot of fresh fruits in the same.

The above treatment would ideally lead to diarrhea in which all the toxins and gall bladder and liver stones would be flushed out.