
Lice are parasites which are found in human scalps, bodies and pubic area.

They spend all their lives on the host and have therefore over time developed some adaptations which make their life clinging to the host a lot easier.

Lice have stout legs and claws which help them in clinging to our scalps and other body areas. Lice typically have very simple chewing mouth parts but some highly adaptive ones have special parts for effectively piercing and sucking blood from the bodies of their host.

Head louse infestation can generally happen when you come in direct contact with somebody who is already infested.

Body louse generally occurs due to unhygienic living while pubic louse transfer from one person to the other when the two get intimated. A condom is no protection against this tiresome parasite.

Louse infestation is not a disease in itself. The main symptom of this problem is excessive itching of the scalp which can lead to sores and in extreme cases even to infections.

Natural Cures for Lice:


Washing your hair with vinegar will kill all the nits (louse eggs) in a couple of days.

Generally these nits are very difficult to get rid of but vinegar can work wonders in helping you to get rid of lice.

Tea Tree Oil:

Mix 10 to 15 drops of tea tree oil into your regular shampoo bottle.

Using this treated shampoo on a daily basis can give you clean, healthy, louse free hair quickly.

Listerine Mouth Washes:

This might sound a little ridiculous, but the truth is that rubbing listerine mouth wash on your head can kill any louse on your head instantly.


Apply a mixture of lemon and butter to your scalp.

Let it remain for 15 to 20 seconds and then wash off.

This is a great way of fighting louse infestation as it kills all lice and nits instantly.


Rub mayonnaise into your scalp and leave it for a couple of hours.

Comb your hair after this interval and all nits and louse will come off in the comb.


Blend onions in a blender and strain the extracted juice.

Apply this onion extract into your scalp and cover it with a shower cap for a couple of hours.

Wash your hair after this time and then use a fine toothed louse comb to get rid of all those nasty buggers and their eggs.