Kidney Stone

Kidney stones are found in the kidneys and the urinary tract. They are a fairly common occurrence and are diagnosed in many people everyday.

These stones can be made up of any number of common items found in the body, such as uric acid, calcium, phosphorus and oxalic acid. In some, a kidney stone will be no bigger than a piece of sand, while in others the kidney stone can reach the size of a small egg! It has been noted that approximately 90% of kidneys stones are primarily made up of calcium.

Why does a stone form? Well, it may be because the amount of a substance found within urine is more than is soluble. A diet full of acid-forming foods may be one culprit, while excess white flour and sugar in your diet can be another. A high intake of vitamin D with a limited intake of vitamin A could also attribute to the formation of kidney stones. Lastly, they could form just because of a defect in your body’s metabolism.

When a kidney stone develops, several symptoms can arise. Some include extreme pain when the stone is passing through the ureter, the urge to urinate frequently, very little urine output, pain when urinating, and even nausea and vomiting.

Home Remedies For a Kidney Stone:

Over the years, many home remedies have been created for the treatment of kidney stones. In almost all of them, a food item is used. Here are a few of the natural cures which have been developed for the treatment of a kidney stone:

Green Tea Extract:

A compound in green tea extract binds with calcium oxalate, the most common component found in kidney stones. The extract reduces clumping of the calcium, which results a less occurrences of painful stones

The results showed that as the amount of green tea extract applied increased, the calcium oxalate crystals became flatter and flatter. The researchers say flatter crystals form less stable kidney stones that break up more easily.

Kidney Beans:

Many use kidney beans, also called Rajmah, as a home remedy for kidney stones. The beans are removed from the pods and the pods are boiled slowly in water. The entire boiling process can take 6 hours or more. This liquid is then strained and cooled for approximately 8 hours. When taken, the liquid is strained again and given every 2 hours on the first day. Then it is taken several times a week. This natural cure is only good for 24 hours, so the entire process needs to be repeated often to make the liquid given as the treatment.

Basil And Honey:

Simply taking a teaspoon of basil juice and a teaspoon of honey each day can be an effective kidney stone treatment. However, for this natural cure to work you need to continue using it for 6 months or more. While using this treatment, many suffering from kidney stones have expelled the stones through their urinary tract.


Being made up mostly of water, watermelon has been found to be an excellent treatment for kidney stones. It works as a diuretic, therefore making it beneficial to kidney stone sufferers.

Other Common Foods:

Celery, apples, grapes, and pomegranates are often used to prevent and treat kidney stones. Just eating these particular foods can benefit those suffering with kidney stones and many consider them to be natural cures for them.