
Every person has no doubt experienced hiccoughs at some time in their life, and most people take it for a simple fact of life. Hiccoughs are, in reality, spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm that take place several times per minute.

The most common cause of hiccoughs is the consumption of carbonated or alcoholic beverages. However, there are other – more sinister – causes of hiccoughs.

A large variety of nervous disorders are known to affect the nerves in such a way as to cause patients to suffer from constant hiccuping. A large percentage of patients who undergo chemotherapy also find that they suffer from constant bouts of them, as the drugs used in chemotherapy affect the parts of the body that produce hiccups when irritated.

For all that they are annoying however; they are far from being harmful. They can be quite irritating especially if an attack occurs at an inopportune time, such as during a business meeting or social function.

Natural Cures for Hiccoughs:

If you find yourself suddenly struck by an attack of hiccoughs, there are several home remedies you can try in order to get rid of them faster.

Plug Your Ears:

Researchers have found that one of the simplest and most effective ways to interrupt bouts of hiccuping is to stick your fingers in your ears for roughly 20 seconds.

The principle behind this is that the vagus nerve, which controls hiccups, is temporarily short-circuited by the act of putting your fingers in your ears.

While this remedy may sound simplistic, it appeared in the medical journal ‘the Lancet’, which is widely read by preeminent physicians and doctors around the world.

Drink Fluids:

It has been proven that the act of swallowing is an effective counter to hiccoughs.

Swallowing hard and fast has been found to be the most effective method of interrupting a bout of hiccups, and you should do so by swallowing a glass of water, juice, or any other non-carbonated and non-alcoholic fluid that you like.

Breathe into a Paper Bag:

Even doctors in hospitals who have to stop patients from hiccupping use this remedy.

While the exact reason why this works isn’t clear, it is thought that the additional carbon dioxide you inhale from breathing into a paper bag affects the diaphragm in such a way as to stop them.

Pull your Tongue:

Stimulating the nerve at the back of your mouth can stop hiccups and a good way to do that without pushing a finger into the back of your mouth is to simply give your tongue a good pull.