Herbal Weight Loss

An unfortunate effect of our modern society is that an inordinate number of people nowadays are obese.

This is due to our diets that more and more consist of processed foods and junk foods, instead of fruits and vegetables and other healthy alternatives.

Obesity can be a serious health problem, and it increases the risk of contracting large number of dangerous diseases and illnesses.

The risk of contracting heart disease, for example, is greatly increased when a person is obese.

This is because the added body mass means the heart has to work harder in order to provide the entire body with oxygen and nutrients through the blood.

Vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis are also more likely when a person is obese.

These diseases are caused by high levels of cholesterol and saturated fats, which are usually present in diets that cause people to become obese.

Natural Cures for Herbal Weight Loss:

With the following home remedies, you will be able to use herbal weight loss methods to get rid of your obesity, and maintain a trim and healthy body weight.

Bitter Orange:

Bitter Orange supplements have proven to be very effective herbal remedies for weight loss. Bitter Orange has a two-fold effect for weight loss.

First, it raises the overall metabolic rate, increasing the rate at which the body consumes energy and fats.

Second, it acts as an appetite suppressant, reducing the urge to eat.

Together, these two effects help overweight people burn more fat and eat less at the same time.

Green Tea:

Numerous studies have found that green tea raises the metabolic rate of the body, thus increasing the amount of fat that the body burns even while at rest.

When combined with a proper exercise plan, the added fat burning effect is often enough to help overweight people tip the scale and start losing weight.


The Cayenne pepper has long been used in traditional and herbal medicine as an appetite suppressant.

Now available in various supplement forms, cayenne is extremely popular among those trying to lose weight as a form of appetite suppressant, allowing obese people to go for longer without feeling the urge to eat.


The American Chemical Society reports that a chemical naturally found in hot chili peppers called capsaicin may lower calorie intake by suppressing the appetite and increasing the metabolism.

St. John's Wort:

While St. John’s Wort is primarily used as an antidepressant, it has also become extremely popular as a supplement for weight loss.

Consuming St. John’s Wort will aid you in your quest to lose weight, and the supplements can be found in solution or tablet form at any pharmacy or drugstore.