
If you have pets, you love them dearly. You love the enjoyment that they bring to you, but probably not the flea they brought in! At some point, it is almost assured that your pet will bring fleas into your home! One misconception that many people have is that fleas are a sign of a dirty home. This is not true. In fact, you may not realize that the flea would prefer to live in a clean environment over a dirty one. In other words, you can be affected by the flea at any time. The good news is that there are several home remedies for fleas that you can use to get rid of the flea for good.

A flea is a wingless, small insect that are considered external parasites. They feast off of the blood of their host, which is any mammal or bird. The problem with these creatures is that many humans as well as dogs and cats (or other animals for that matter) can have an allergic reaction to them. This can cause rashes on the person’s skin.

There are a number of symptoms of fleas including just seeing them on your pets, in your clothing or bedding. You may find yourself facing small, red swollen areas on your skin. These rashes or even individual bites are often itching as well. You may notice a small puncture wound in the center of the point. In most cases, there will be a cluster of them or even a line of the bite marks. For some, the allergic reaction can be somewhat severe with pain, redness and itching that is extreme.

There are a number of natural cures for fleas. If you find yourself facing this problem, there are chemical products that you can use to rid your home and pets of the pests, but try these natural cures first.

Home Remedies for Fleas:

Good Diets:

You may not know that one great home remedy for fleas is to just give your pets a great diet. Since fleas are attracted to pets that have poor immune systems, this can help the pet to fight off this condition, causing the fleas not to be able to reproduce with such force.

Borate Powder:

Another home remedy for fleas is the use of borate powder sprinkled into the crevices of your furniture. This product can be put on the carpeting too, to help keep the fleas out.

Yeast and Garlic:

Adding brewer’s yeast and fresh garlic to your pet’s food will aid in prevention and fight against fleas.

In the Yard:

Visit your local garden store to get larvae eating nematodes. These are naturally going to destroy the fleas and improve the quality of your garden too. This natural cure is as natural as it comes.