Ear Infection

An ear infection is caused by a number of events – bacteria that gets into the ear canal, frequent or deep swimming and sudden changes in altitude.

While you can’t always prevent an ear infection, you can often help alleviate the pain and speed up a recovery.

A recent study found that three out of every four ear infections will heal within three days without the intervention of a traditional antibiotic treatment.

This is very promising if you prefer home remedies and have felt you weren’t supported by Western medicine.

Home Remedies for Ear Infection:

Pain Management:

The most effective, simplest form of pain management for an ear infection is heat compresses.

Some people prefer to microwave course salt in a sock or other fabric bag.

Others choose a hot water bag or heating pad.

Whatever your choice of home remedy for ear pain, it is very important that it be warm, not so hot so as to burn the skin.

Over the counter acetaminophen and ibuprofen can also help.

Hydrogen Peroxide:

A 3% hydrogen peroxide solution has been found to be a very effective home remedy for ear infections.

Apply a few drops in one ear and keep head tilted for 10 minutes or until the bubbling stops.

Tilt your head to the opposite side and repeat.

If you or the infected person has a ruptured ear drum, do not use this remedy.

Essential Oils:

Essential oils have long been used as natural remedies for ear infections.

Some, like red thyme, is not suitable for children, those prone to high blood pressure or epileptics.

Thyme oil shouldn’t be used by pregnant women.

Anyone with a punctured, ruptured or perforated ear drum should avoid putting anything, including essential oils, in the ear.

One home remedy mixture is:

  • 1 tablespoon of pure almond carrier oil
  • 2 drops lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops of chamomile essential oil and
  • 3 drops of tea tree essential oil

Mix well and warm. Apply two drops of the warm oil to each infected ear three times per day.

A second natural cure for an ear infection is a very similar recipe:

  • 1 tablespoon pure almond carrier oil
  • 2 drops lavender essential oil
  • 3 drops of tea tree oil and
  • 2 drops thyme essential oil

Follow the same procedure above, but only if you (or the patient) hasn’t ever had a punctured or perforated eardrum.

For perforated or punctured eardrums, you can apply the same warm oil solution to the outside of the ear and on the neck, near the lymph nodes.


One final helpful home remedy can be found in the dairy section of your grocery store.

You don’t rub yogurt on anything you simply consume any flavor of yogurt you like, as long as it contains live cultures.

The cultures help stabilize yeasts in the body, yeasts that have been known to cause an ear infection.