Turmeric Extract

Species Name: Curcuma longa

Also Known As: Indian saffron, haldi, manjal, curcuma, safran bourbon, Safran des Indes, Curcumae Longae Rhizoma, Indian yellow root

Once used as a replacement for the more expensive saffron, turmeric is a spice commonly used in curry dishes, to color mustard and as a simple dye for clothing.

The plant is native to South Asia, but is easily available throughout the world. It is from the same family as ginger, also used in cooking and like ginger has medicinal value.

Turmeric has been an important aspect of Indian culture for thousands of years and is still widely used for its ceremonial, medicinal and culinary value.

The root, or rhizome, of the plant is what is used for herbal medicine purposes. The root can be eaten raw in salads and is said to have a sweet, nutty yet bitter flavor.

It is available dried in capsule form, tea, extract and commonly ingested as an ingredient in food.

Home Remedies Using Turmeric Extract

Turmeric Tea Recipe:

You can use freshly grated turmeric for a stronger flavor or add in some ginger or other flavor that you would enjoy.

  • Use1 tsp. of dried of turmeric to 3-4 cups of boiling water
  • Simmer for 8-10 min
  • Strain
  • Add honey and lemon

This is good for colds, beneficial to your health and can be just plain relaxing.

Benefits of Turmeric Extract:

Curcumin, the chemical that gives turmeric its bright yellow color, is an active medicinal ingredient found in turmeric that has many health benefits.

Helps Digestion

Turmeric extract is well known for the aid that it can give to those who are suffering from heartburn, to help ease stomach pain, stomach bloating, intestinal gas, and diarrhea. It is thought to give the liver protection against toxins, eliminate worms and stimulate the production of bile.

Combats Colds and Flu

Turmeric extracts have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that make it helpful during cold and flu season. There are many who have used the extract as a way to ease bronchitis, lung infections, fevers, colds, and headaches.

Helps with Arthritis

The anti-inflammatory properties of this extract make it an effective tool against arthritis and joint inflammation. It also may be affective with the pain that is associated with this kind of problem.

Aids in Mental Health

The extract has been studied and used in conjunction with other herbal remedies to help fight depression. It is thought to promote and regulate the production of serotonin while halting chemical breakdowns that can cause depression.

Fights Alzheimer’s

The extract is also known to help those who are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. As an ant-inflammatory this extract may block or inhibit the onset of Alzheimer’s. It is thought that those who use Turmeric in their diet have a lower rate of Alzheimer’s explaining why this disease has a lower presence in India.

Topical uses for Turmeric

As an anti-bacterial agent there are some topical uses for turmeric extract that can ease skin inflammation, some infections, and infected wounds. It may also be useful against pain and bruising from wounds, sores, boils and insect bites.

Side Effects of Turmeric Extract:

•    Turmeric extract is generally considered safe for human consumption as food and supplement. Although if taken regularly there may be slight nausea or diarrhea.
•    Women who are pregnant are advised to completely avoid turmeric, food or extract form. The extract may induce menstruation; stimulate the uterus or lead to a miscarriage.
•    Avoid use before or after surgery as the extract may cause excessive bleeding
•    Avoid taking this if you have gallbladder problems as it may worsen the condition
•    May interact with other blood thinners, please consult with a doctor before using