Sheep Sorrel Extract

Species Name: Rumex acestosella

Also Known As: Field sorrel, sour grass, common sorrel, dog-eared
sorrel, red top sheep's sorrel, red sorrel, sour weed

The sheep sorrel plant is a tall herb that is found throughout North America, Europe, and Asia.

Native to Eurasia it has small, maroon, female flowers and yellow-green male flowers that bloom in the spring and summer. It has a vertical root system and a single seed fruit that both aide in its reproduction. 

Known as a common weed, sheep sorrel is readily available and easy to find.  It grows in grasslands and meadows, near marshes and can get into fields, roads or areas that have been abandoned. It can also be used as grazing food for livestock but it is not the preferred choice.

The leaf is edible and has a tart lemon-like flavor. It is used to flavor food, make cheese, as a garnish and can be used for salad.

What is sheep sorrel extract? The above ground parts are used for the extract. The flowering herb and the root are used as well. It can found as a tincture and in liquid form, capsule, in a tea by itself and also in Essiac tea.

Home Remedies Using Sheep Sorrel Extract

Add 15-30 drops in a glass of water for another source of vitamins and minerals.

Benefits and Uses of Sheep Sorrel Extract:

Historically sheep sorrel has been used for tumors and it has a long standing place in folk medicine as a remedy for cancer. It was used as a replacement for citrus fruit to provide vitamin C and to help with scurvy. It was also used for fever, diarrhea and as a blood purifier.

Has Cancer Fighting Properties

Today we know that sheep sorrel extracts are full of vitamins and antioxidants. It has a high vitamin C content and contains tannins, oxalic acid, beta-carotene, vitamins A, B, D, E and K. These vitamins and antioxidants make the extract a perfect source of cancer-fighting chemicals that attack the free radicals in the body.

All these elements found in this extract are known to have strong detoxification properties which is why it is one of the main eight herbs used in the making of Essiac the anti-cancer tea handed down from Indian tradition.

Contains Chlorophyll

Sheep sorrel contains chlorophyll which helps in the transportation of oxygen in the blood. Chlorophyll is the green pigment present in the plant and it is an effective aid against cancer because oxygen kills cancer cells.

Helps the Flow of Urination

Sheep sorrel extracts have also been used as diuretics, helping with urinary tract infections. The diuretic elevates the frequency of urination, which in turn helps to alleviate the symptoms of the health issue.

Topical Uses

The extract can also be used topically to ease the symptoms of eczema, poison ivy, rashes, herpes and hives.It can be applied to the skin for tumors and cysts, ringworm and boils.


The tea can be used as a gargle for mouth ulcers.

Side Effects of Sheep Sorrel Extract:

  • Avoid use if you have kidney problems.
  • Sheep sorrel contains oxalic acid that can be poisonous to live stock and humans in large doses.
  • There may be mild side effects including nausea, tongue discomfort, headache and hay fever.
  • Doctors recommend that women who are nursing and pregnant to avoid sheep sorrel extract.
  • There still needs to be more research regarding this herb.
  • Please consult with a doctor when trying this or any new herbal remedy.
