Osha Extract

Species Name: Ligusticum wallichii

Also Known As: Poerter’s Lovage, Porter’s Licorice Root, Indian Parsley, Mountain Parsley, Nipo, Loveroot, Washia, Bear Medicine, Mountain Carrot, Chuchupate.

What is osha extract? Osha extract comes from the root of the Osha plant, a perennial herb that is generally found in the Southwest of North America, Notorious for growing in the Rocky Mountains, the Osha plant will only grow in mountains.

Prices are generally high, as the plant cannot be grown outside of the places that it is found (artificial growth has been unsuccessful).

Home Remedies Using Osha Extract:

Benefits of Osha Extract:

Osha extracts have been used in a variety of ways, providing benefits in both topical and oral applications. The extracts are often combined with alcohol to create a topical application perfect for those who are suffering from muscle pain.

Osha extract is a strong herbal remedy for those who are suffering from a wide range of upper respiratory issues. Strong anti-viral properties make the extract perfect for those dealing with a cold, the flu, or pneumonia.

There are many who consider Osha extract to be a cure-all remedy, as they use it for a myriad of health issues and problems. Some use Osha extracts to treat coughs, fevers, diarrhea, and sore throats.

Osha has also been used to alleviate digestive issues, and can be used as a painkiller for those suffering from acute aches and pains.

Some of the lesser-known and questionable benefits include using Osha extract for appetite stimulation, anemia, ear aches, cardiovascular issues, nicotine addiction, and tuberculosis.

Side Effects of Osha Extract:

There are some things to consider when thinking about using Osha extract for any of the above-listed benefits.

Women who are pregnant should stay away from Osha Root.

The plant contains oxytocin, which may cause health issues for both unborn and young child.

Anyone taking medication for any health issue should speak with their doctor before taking Osha extract in any capacity. Your doctor will be able to tell you about any possible drug interactions that may occur because of the chemical composition of Osha.