Lady’s Slipper Root Extract

Species: Cypripedium pubescens

Also Known As: American valerian, nerve root, yellow lady’s slipper, yellows, bleeding heart, moccasin flower, yellow Indian shoe and lady’s slipper orchid.

Often called a natural tranquilizer, lady’s slipper root extract is a common treatment option for numerous health conditions. However, it is also known as a very gentle tonic to help improve overall health.

The plant itself is a perennial plant native to North America. It has a fleshy rootstock, from which this extract is derived.

The plant’s common North American name, moccasin flower, comes from the shape of the flower, which looks similar to a shoe.

The roots of this plant are often used to make the extract because this is where most of the plant’s calming properties come from.

Home Remedies Using Lady's Slipper Root Extract:

Benefits of Lady’s Slipper Root Extract:

Lady’s slipper root extracts should contain only the root in its ingredients. Lesser qualities will contain the stems of the plant as well. It is commonly used as an herbal antidepressant that works to gently strengthen the function of the nervous system.

It has been used for hundreds of years to treat hysteria and delirium tremens, anxiety, nervous depression, nervousness, recurring headaches and as a way to reduce stress overall.

In addition to this, it has been used for centuries as a way to reduce hyperactivity in children. It works as a mild sedative and therefore has been shown to be an effective herbal treatment for insomnia.

Adding a bit of the extract to a tea before bed can help the individual ease into sleep. It can also work as an antispasmodic. It has shown to be effective to relieve cramps and muscle pains. It can reduce twitches and is also able to work with the nervous system to reduce the symptoms of epilepsy.

Side Effects of Lady’s Slipper Root Extract:

There are some side effects associated with the use of lady’s slipper root extracts. It can cause giddiness and restlessness in some people. It can cause headaches in some people and lead to inflammations of the skin when it is used on the skin as a topical treatment.

It has been shown to lead to mental excitement in some people which can further lead to hallucinations. In addition to this, it can interfere with some medications, especially larodopa, requip and permax. Those who have allergies to other plants may also have allergies to this plant. In addition, those who are pregnant should not use this extract.