Kava Kava Root Extract

Species Name: Piper methysticum

Also Known As: Kava, Kava pepper, awa, kava kava, kava root, kao, kavapipar

Kava kava root extract comes from the kava plant. This plant is found natively in the South and Western Pacific and is a member of the pepper family because of the fruit it produces.

Kava has been used in medicinal treatments for hundreds of years and is so valuable that it has been used as a ceremonial beverage in the South Pacific. To use this plant, the root and the rhizome of the plant are ground.

The rhizome is the underground portion of the stem. Once ground, it is used in tablet form, as a topical treatment or used as an extract that can be added to various tonics and applied topically itself.

Home Remedies using Kava Kava Root Extract

Benefits of Kava Kava Root Extract

Purchasing kava kava root extracts can help individuals in numerous ways. This extract is commonly used to help people fall asleep when they cannot do so naturally.

It is also helpful in helping people treat asthma and to reduce the pain and inflammation from urinary tract infections. It can help fight fatigue as well.

One of the main benefits to using this root extract is as a topical aid to numb an area. It is also highly effective when used to treat conditions such as anxiety, menopausal distress symptoms and insomnia.

There is some scientific evidence that supports the use of kava kava root extract as a treatment for anxiety.

It is not a proven therapy and more research is needed.

However, in traditional treatments, the extract has been used to treat conditions ranging from sexually transmitted diseases, chronic bladder infections, stress, psychosis, chronic fatigue syndrome and pain in the joints.

Side Effects of Kava Kava Root Extract

Over use of the supplement can lead to risk of severe liver damage.

Other side effects include abnormal muscle spasm and can also cause some interference with drugs specifically used to treat Parkinson’s disease.

Some people notice a change in the color of their skin to a yellow, scaly look if it is used for the long term or used in large doses.

In some cases, people have stated that that kava kava root extract can cause drowsiness and therefore it should be used lightly when operating machinery.