Vitamin D (Calciferol)

Also known as: Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin, being produced by the body when a person is exposed to ultraviolet rays.

The only other name that is used to refer to Vitamin D is Calciforol, Cholecalciferol, Vitamin D, D3 or Calciol.

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin which can be stored in the fat cells of the body.

It is produced when a person is exposed to sunlight or other sources of UV rays and is readily available in many foods.

Home Remedies using Vitamin D:

Benefits and Uses of Vitamin D:

Vitamin D has several important health and wellness benefits. These include:

  • Required for absorption and utilization of calcium
  • Prevents rickets
  • Along with calcium, fights osteoporosis
  • Prevents osteomalacia, a disorder which causes muscle weakness and weak bones
  • Helps in the fight against cancer
  • May help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Vitamin D is a crucial vitamin for formation of strong bones and teeth in children and maintaining bone density in adults.

When calcium is consumed, it can not be used by the body properly without Vitamin D.

In adult women who are postmenopausal, Vitamin D is especially important so that the calcium consumed in food and supplements can protect against osteoporosis.

In men over the age of 50, this is also crucial. Vitamin D has also shown that it helps fight cancers.

Vitamin D recommended daily allowance (RDA) has not been established, most people concerned about Vitamin D intake find that 200 to 600 units are adequate with the higher doses being best for older adults.

However, this vitamin is used to fortify many foods, especially some which contain calcium, so that rickets and other disorders resulting from Vitamin D deficiency are prevented.

Vitamin D is available in:

  • Tablets
  • Capsules
  • As part of a balanced multi-vitamin dietary supplement

Vitamin D is available in many foods, including:

  • Fortified foods such as breads, cereals, milk and others
  • Fatty fish such as salmon and fish oils

Side Effects of Vitamin D:

Taking too much Vitamin D can result in excess absorption of calcium, potentially causing kidney stones.