Vitamin BP

Also known as: Choline, Vitamin B6

Vitamin BP is better known as Choline or Vitamin B6. This important vitamin plays a role in nearly every system in the body.

While the body can produce Vitamin B6 naturally, the amount it makes is not sufficient to meet daily requirements.

Home Remedies using Vitamin BP:

Benefits and Uses of Vitamin BP:

Vitamin BP plays a role in movement, coordination, muscle stimulation and contraction--as well as thought, memory and intellect.

No matter which way you put it, there are many benefits in getting adequate levels of Vitamin BP daily. Some of those benefits include:

  • Cells functioning properly
  • Aiding in the metabolism of fats
  • Producing acetylcholine (and other neurotransmitters)
  • Aiding in brain function
  • Playing a role in copying DNA and RNA

Vitamin BP can be used as a natural alternative to harmful medications for many disease and ailments. Natural uses of Vitamin BP include:

  • Alcoholism
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Cancer
  • Hepatitis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Pregnant and nursing women
  • Stroke


Preliminary research points to phosphatidylcholine, a form of Vitamin BP, in reducing inflammation to the liver caused by excess alcohol consumption.

Take 450 mg of phosphatidylcholine daily, divided into three doses, with meals.

Alzheimer’s Disease:

Acetylcholine is a chemical in the brain that is needed to transmit vital nerve signals and help he brain to function.

A study indicated that patients with Alzheimer’s disease who took choline alfoscerate, a form of Vitamin BP, experienced significant improvement in their cognitive function.

Take 400 mg of choline alfoscerate (may also be sold as “Alpha GPC”) three times daily. Note that this supplement may take up to six months to be effective.


Studies using 1.8 g daily of phosphatidylcholine (PC) for 24 weeks have yielded positive results.

Phosphatidylcholine is a form of Vitamin BP and is thought to improve liver function in people with hepatitis B and C when paired with interferon.

Pregnant and Nursing Women:

Research indicated that an adequate intake of Vitamin BP may help promote proper cellular brain development of the fetus during pregnancy.

This may help to improve learning and memory all the while decreasing vulnerability to toxins. The recommended daily intake for choline in pregnant women is 450 mg daily.

Side Effects of Vitamin BP:

The safe upper limit for Vitamin BP is 3.5 grams per day for adults; thus, this supplement is generally considered safe.

At higher doses (around 5 grams), people have reported a “fishy body odor” as well as excessive sweating, hypotension (low blood pressure and lightheadedness) and depression.

To avoid the fishy odor, switch to phosphatidylcholine.