
Soy is a wonder food, and is synonymous to many people with the terms “low carb”, “high protein”, “low fat” and “low cholesterol”.

The Japanese have utilized whole soybeans (edamame) in many ways.

Tofu, miso, natto, tempeh, soy oil and soy sauce are just a few of the soybean’s byproducts.

Soy contains something called phytoestrogens (plant estrogens).

Inside the phytoestrogens are a substance called isoflavones.

Isoflavones have a similar chemical structure to that of the reproductive hormone estrogen.

This allows the isoflavones to bind to the estrogen receptors on cells in the body, which may, to some extent, allow the isoflavones to substitute for your body’s own estrogen if it is manufacturing too little.

Isoflavones are beneficial to menopausal and post-menopausal women.

Known to replenish the body’s declining estrogen level and relieve menopausal symptoms, as well as decreasing the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis.

Research indicates that soy isoflavones reduce hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

Soy can come in powder form, capsules and plain or flavored soy milk. The powder can be added to a shake or other beverage.

Home Remedies using Soy:

Benefits and Uses of Soy:

Research shows us that there are many nutritional and potential health benefits of soy. It has also been used as an important and honored food source for a very long time. It is and was used as a replacement for meat in diet.

The most effective way to get the nutritional and health benefits of soy of course  is by consuming a diet rich in soy products.

Soy powder and soy supplements are also available but treated with caution and used in smaller amount as there is a large debate in the scientific community regarding the potential side effects of such high dosages.

Benefits of eating a diet rich in soy include:

  • Improving the ratio of HDL (good) cholesterol to LDL (bad) cholesterol
  • Suppressing hot flashes associated with menopause
  • Decreasing the chances of osteoporosis of the lumbar spine
  • Preventing uterine, breast and prostate cancer

Soy is known to be an effective cancer-fighting product.

Research shows that genistein, a protein found in soy products, slows tumor growth by preventing the growth of new blood vessels to feed the tumor.

Genistein is also said to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities.

Soy appears to be particularly effective against prostate cancer, but it also works wonders against breast cancer in women and colon cancer in both sexes.

Side Effects of Soy:

Soy supplements are considered generally safe for adults.

Side effects associated with soy include mild nausea, headache and upset stomach.

Children and pregnant or nursing women should not take soy supplements, since the estrogen-like effects of soy are not yet fully understood.

Food sources containing soy are safe for both children and adults.

Soy can interact with other medications so please consult with your doctor.

Soy formula for infants may contain various toxins; consult with your doctor before using such formulas.