Fish Oil

Also known as: Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

Fish Oil contains heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, but is it healthier to take supplements or eat the fish?

There are two sides to the issue, and the obvious answer is that it depends on the fish you eat because some contain a great deal of Mercury, which will override the benefits of eating the fresh fish over taking supplements.

What is Fish Oil? Fish oil comes from the tissues of oily fish and naturally contains Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.

For a healthy diet, it is recommended that fish oil be included. 

Eating fish at least once a week is beneficial, but caution must be taken to avoid the fish species, which contains mercury or other contaminants.

In addition to containing Omega-3 fatty acids, fish is an excellent source of protein and lacks the high saturated fat that fatty meat products contain.

Fatty fish is high in both types of Omega-3 fatty acids, but since many of these fish are also predators, they may accumulate toxic substances because of their positions at the top of the waterway’s food chain.

Home Remedies Using Fish Oil:

Benefits and Uses of Fish Oil:

The consumption of fish oil, whether by supplement or eating fish, can help regulate the body’s cholesterol levels.

The reason for this is the high levels of Omega-3, especially the effects of EPA and DHA constituents whose benefits include anti-inflammatory properties in addition to a reduction in cholesterol.

The source of Omega-3 should be from the fish’s body rather than the liver due to the high concentration of Vitamin A that is contained in sources such as cod liver oil.

The vitamin can be dangerous at the high levels contained in oil from the fish’s liver.

Studies conducted also show a correlation between the consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids and violent crimes.

The study was conducted on prisoners in England, and the study showed that prisoners who were convicted of violent crimes had lower levels of Omega-3 fatty acids than normal.

This led researchers to conclude that these kinds of fatty acids are responsible for the growth of the frontal cortex of the brain, which controls personal behavior.

According to the American Heart Association, each person with coronary heart disease should consume 1 gram of fish oil daily, preferably by eating fish.

Fish oil and other sources of Omega-3 are highly recommended for three conditions:

  • Hypertriglyceridemia
  • Cardiovascular disease prevention
  • High blood pressure

Some studies also indicate that fish oil may be beneficial in protecting the brain from any cognitive problems that arise because of Alzheimer’s disease.

Other studies indicate that fish oil may be more effective than Ritalin in the treatment of ADHD.

  • Prevention of heart disease
  • Prevention of macular degeneration
  • Prevention of depression and bi-polar disorder related to Omega-3 deficiency
  • Treatment of postpartum depression
  • Treatment of Type II diabetes
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Prevention of cancer
  • Regulate cholesterol levels
  • Consumption of fatty fish
  • As a herbal supplement in liquid or capsule form
  • Reduce breast cancer risk

Side Effects of Fish Oil:

  • Increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke because of the decreased ability of the blood to clot
  • Increased risk for those taking anticoagulants, those with bleeding disorders, or those with uncontrolled hypertension
  • Large doses may suppress the immune system
  • Large doses can increase blood sugar in diabetics
  • Large doses can cause nausea, diarrhea, gas, and a bad taste in the mouth
  • Intake of 3 grams or more per day may increase the risk of bleeding