Zinc (Zn)9

Also known as: Zinc Oxide, Zn in the table of periodic elements.

Zinc is a mineral found in soil, water, fruits, vegetables, and meats.

Home Remedies using Zinc:

Benefits and Uses of Zinc:

Zinc is necessary for a healthy immune system, and is also useful in fighting skin problems such as acne, boils and sore throats.

Zinc is further needed for cell division, is used by the tissue of hair, nails and skin to be in top form.

Zinc is used in the growth and maintenance of muscles.

Children require zinc for normal growth and sexual development, with too little zinc, growth may be stunted.

It also seems that zinc helps to control the oil glands, and is required for the synthesis of protein and collagen - which is great for wound healing and healthy skin.

Men with an insufficient level of zinc may have a problem with fertility, while women may experience irregular periods.

With too little in the body, your sense of smell and taste might suffer. There is a lack of zinc in many people's diet, as zinc is destroyed in the milling process and is also lost in cooking.

A deficiency will result in an under-performing immune system, open to infections, allergies, night blindness, loss of smell, falling hair, white spots under finger nails, skin problems, sleep disturbances etc.

Zinc deficiency can be caused by diarrhea, liver and kidney disease, alcoholism, diabetes, malabsorption, and over consumption of fiber.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency include acne, recurrent colds and flu, loss of senses, poor night vision, slow growth, lack of sexual maturation, lack of pubic hair, and short-stature.

Studies have shown that signs of zinc deficiency are detectable after two to five weeks of consuming a zinc-free diet.

Signs include a rash on the face, groin, hands and feet, and diarrhea. Administering zinc will correct these symptoms.

Zinc can be found in foods, supplements, or lozenges.

Side Effects of Zinc:

Excessive zinc intake has been shown to drive down the body's copper level thus causing a chain reaction affecting the spine.

The symptoms include having difficulty walking and maintaining balance and possible nerve damage. Be cautious when using products such as denture cream that contain high levels of zinc.

Always follow instructions on quantity to avoid consuming excessive amounts.

Other side effects include:

  • Burning sensation (body)
  • Metallic taste
  • Body pain
  • Shock
  • No urine output
  • Collapse
  • Convulsions
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Yellow eyes or yellow skin
  • Rash
  • Vomiting
  • Watery or bloody diarrhea
  • Low blood pressure