Magnesium (Mg)

Also known as: In the periodic elements, magnesium is referred to as Mg.

Magnesium is a mineral in the bones, and in minute amounts in the blood.

Home Remedies using Magnesium:

Benefits and Uses of Magnesium:

Most of the body's magnesium is in the bone. There is very little present in the blood.

Magnesium is necessary for the formation of bone and teeth and for normal nerve and muscle function.

Many enzymes in the body depend on magnesium to function normally. The body takes in magnesium from diet and excretes it as bodily wastes.

In hypomagnesemia, the level of magnesium in the blood is too low.

Symptoms of hypomagnesemia include nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, weakness, personality changes, muscle spasms, tremors, and loss of appetite.

The diagnosis is made by determining if magnesium levels in the blood are low.

The most common causes of hypomagnesemia are decreased dietary intake (due to starvation) and decreased intestinal absorption.

Hypomagnesemia occurs frequently in people who consume large amounts of alcohol and in people who have protracted diarrhea.

Hypomagnesemia can also be caused by increased excretion of magnesium by the kidneys.

High levels of aldosterone, antidiuretic hormone, or thyroid hormones can cause hypomagnesemia by increasing the excretion of magnesium by the kidneys.

Diuretics, the antifungal drug amphotericin B, or the chemotherapy drug cisplatin can also cause hypomagnesemia.

Magnesium is prescribed when the deficiency causes symptoms or when the magnesium level is very low.

Magnesium can be taken by mouth (usually as small amounts of magnesium hydroxide, commonly found in milk of magnesia) or by injection into a muscle or vein.

Side Effects of Magnesium:

In hypermagnesemia, the level of magnesium in the blood is too high. It usually develops only in people with kidney failure who are given magnesium salts or who take drugs that contain magnesium (such as some antacids or laxatives).

Symptoms of hypermagnesemia include weakness, low blood pressure, and impaired breathing. When hypermagnesemia is severe, the heart can stop beating.

The diagnosis is made by determining that the magnesium level in the blood is high. People with severe hypermagnesemia are given intravenous calcium gluconate.

Intravenous diuretics can increase the kidneys' excretion of magnesium, but if the kidneys are not functioning well, dialysis is usually needed.