Delphinium Staphisagria / Staphysagria / Staph

Formal Name: Delphinium Staphisagria

Also Known As: Staphysagria, Stavesacre, Palmated Larkspur, Housewort

There are many plants within the world of homeopathy and even within modern medicine that have some ancient roots.

One such common plant is the staphysagria and it has had a multitude of uses over the years. In the past, it was used internally to cleanse the bowels or even induce vomiting.

It was also applied as an ointment for stings or bites. However when it comes to homeopathy, the uses and applications are quite different.

In the case of staphysagria as a homeopathic remedy, it is only the seeds of the plant that are utilized. Though the seeds are the source of remedy, the reality is, as in most other instances within homeopathy, there will be virtually no trace left of the actual substance when the final remedy is ready for use. Through the appropriate process, the seeds are crushed and diluted. This final compound is what will be used as a homeopathic remedy for a multitude of different ailments, and the results are phenomenal.

Homeopathic Remedies, Benefits & Uses of Staphysagria:


Joint Pain:

This is often the type of joint pain that shows up as bruised, sore, immobile, or weakened limbs. A neurological pain such as that which presents itself in the right shoulder, for example, may be commonly associated with this type of condition. However this pain presents itself, turning to staphysagria as a homeopathic remedy may be quite helpful.

Skin Conditions:

There are a variety of different skin conditions that one may suffer from, but in this instance they are pretty distinct in their appearance. The skin is easily infected and tends to be very slow to heal. It generally looks unhealthy and may be accompanied by scars or frequent cuts. These are all common conditions for which somebody would look to staphysagria as a homeopathic remedy.


This particular type of headache is where the individual feels as though a heavy object is sitting on top of their head. The headache may be accompanied by a numbing sensation, and there is often dizziness that increases when the individual lies down.


In this instance, the individual may have great difficulty falling to sleep. They may feel that as tired as they are, they just can’t fall asleep. When this type of chronic insomnia is present, staphysagria may work wonders as a homeopathic remedy to help the individual fall into a deep type of sleep that is necessary for the body to function properly.


This is a rather extreme type of toothache that may very well be caused by decay or excessive plaque that has formed in the mouth. With this toothache, and the related symptoms, the individual may feel as though the pain is worse when it is touched. If these symptoms sound familiar, then staphysagria may be recommended as a homeopathic remedy.

Homeopathic Remedy Profile for Staphysagria:

Though they may seem mild on the surface, these people tend to have deeply rooted emotions. They harbor rage for a variety of reasons, though the outside world may not see that surface often. They tend to be very sensitive to insults and any type of rude behavior. They have a deep fear of losing control and therefore try to maintain it at all times. They may wreak of rotten eggs, as this smell may filter out from their stools and even sweat.