Mineral Based Homeopathic Remedies

Mineral homeopathy is used to treat illness and relieve discomfort from a wide variety of health conditions. It is used by many people personally and is also practiced by licensed physicians and other qualified prescribers in many regions of the world.

Research studies known as “provings,” have been collected for almost two centuries. Today clinical cases with scientific trials are conducted to document and validate homeopathy.

Homeopathic Remedies Using Minerals:

“Homeopathic remedies” using minerals significantly differs from “home remedies” using minerals. The basic difference is that “home remedies” use the minerals themselves; whereas “homeopathy remedies” are diluted to the point that not even a molecule of the original mineral may be present in the final remedy. A substance must undergo this particular process to be used as a homeopathic remedy.

Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars. Basically, the Law of Similars states that since exposure to a substance can cause specific symptoms in a healthy person, that substance (when precisely prepared as a homeopathic remedy) can stimulate the body’s natural curative powers to overcome similar symptoms of a specific illness.

Remedies using minerals are made in a very precise manner as mentioned above. The mineral is put through a process known as trituration. This process involves grinding the mineral into a powder so fine that it is water soluble. This powder is placed in a container and dissolved in an alcohol and/or water mix that containing approximately 90 percent pure alcohol and 10 percent distilled water.

This ratio will vary depending on the exact substance. The mixture is left to stand for 2-4 weeks. During that time, the mixture is shaken occasionally. After, the mixture is strained using a special tincture press. The end result is a liquid is known as the “mother tincture” or “tincture”.

From the “mother tincture” , a single drop is added to 99 drops of an alcohol and/or water. This mixture is succussed; which means shaken vigorously. This mixture is succussed and diluted many times over. This is done because the more dilutions and succussions a substance undergoes, the higher the potency will be.

Higher potencies of homeopathic remedies (anything higher than 12C) have been diluted past the point that molecules of the original substance would be measurable in the solution. Because of this, naturally toxic minerals can be safely used as homeopathic remedies since they are so diluted they no longer contain a single molecule of the original substance that was used to make them.

A few drops of the potentized remedy are added to lactose (milk sugar) tables until well coated. The tablets are then place in an airtight container; usually a dark glass bottle to avoid any exposure to sunlight.

It should be noted that lower potencies (6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, 30C) are the most suited for non-professional self-care applications. For example, a 30 will often produce a deeper, faster reaction than a 6, and will often need fewer applications.

Remember, the higher the potency, the more exact the remedy choice must be to bring successful results. Since the contradiction exists that the higher the dilution level (or potency) of a remedy, the more effective its cure; high potencies (past 30C) should be used only by those with formal homeopathic training.

Homeopathic remedies help the body’s recovery process by motivating the body’s natural defenses (vital force) so that it is able to fight off an attack or illness. It is much like an immunization where a virus is injected to stimulate the body’s natural defense to make it immune when exposed to that same live virus.

Safety Using Mineral Based Homeopathic Remedies:

Today, people today are turning to homeopathy remedies using minerals. It is a method to balance the body and to induce its natural healing. It is also considered 100 percent safe. A major reason that people turn to homeopathy is that it is easier on the body than synthetic medicines containing harsh chemicals that often produce dangerous side effects. Relief from many physical ailments is available with Homeopathy to help improve your quality of life safe and naturally.

Mineral Based Homeopathic Remedies Checklist
Formal NameUses

Common Name: Argent. Nit.

Formal Name: Argentum Nitricum

Alias: Hellston, Devil's Stone, Lunar Caustic

  1. Anxieties, fears, and phobias
  2. Digestive complaints brought on by nervous excitement or from eating too much sweet food
  3. Ailments accompanied by a craving for sweet foods

Common Name: Arsen. Alb.

Formal Name: Aresenicum Album

Alias: Arsenic Oxide

  1. Anxiety and fear caused by deep-seated insecurity
  2. Digestive disorders and inflammation of the mucous membranes, especially in the digestive tract
  3. Ailments characterized by burning pain that is better for heat

Common Name: Cal. Carb.

Formal Name: Calcarea Carbonica / Calcium carbonicum

Alias: Calcium Carbonate, Oyster Shell, Mother of Pearl

  1. Slow development of bones and teeth
  2. Bone & joint pain - backaches, bone growths, bunions or joint pain perhaps caused by arthritic conditions
  3. Anxiety & phobias - Ailments characterized by fears and anxieties that escalate into obsessive behavior with profuse, sour-smelling perspiration, and sensitivity to cold
  4. Dental problems - Painful teething in children with sore gums, fever and sweaty scalp. Child is irritable and makes chewing motion with jaws
  5. Digestive disorders- Indigestion with flatulence, bloating and sour belching or constipation with sour-smelling hard, pale stools
  6. headaches - sharp head pain, often right-sided and possibly with dizziness, congestion or catarrh. Migraines may develop
  7. Women's health - Burning vaginal itching with a thick yellow or white discharge due to thrush. Heavy menstrual flow or PMS with low energy levels

Common Name: Graphites

Formal Name: Graphite

Alias: Plumbago

  1. Skin complaints, especially eczema
  2. Metabolic imbalances that lead to skin problems, obesity and abnormal nail formation
  3. Ulcers caused by a weakness in the stomach lining

Common Name: Merc. Sol.

Formal Name: Mercurius Solubilis Hahnemanni

Alias: Quicksilver, Mercury, Black Oxide of Mercury, Ammonio-nitrate of Mercury

  1. Ailments accompanied by profuse, strong-smelling, burning bodily discharges, and a general sensitivity to heat and cold
  2. Throat and mouth complaints such as ulcers on the tongue, walls of mouth and gums
  3. Catarrh & colds
  4. Eye & ear infections
  5. Fever
  6. Thrush

Common Name: Nat. Mur.

Formal Name: Natrum Muriaticum, Natrum chloratum

Alias: Salt, Table Salt, Rock Salt, Sodium Chloride

  1. Colds with profuse runny catarrh that resembles uncooked egg whites
  2. headaches with a hammering bursting headache or migraine above the eyes. Could include vision disturbances such as zigzag lines
  3. skin conditions - greasy skin and hair with dandruff around the hairline
  4. Mouth & throat conditions - cold sores, mouth ulcers, dental abscesses and gingivitis
  5. Women's health - vaginal discharge that resembles uncooked egg white usually due to thrush
  6. Digestive disorders constipation with hared, dry stools, colicky pains with nausea and possibly anal fissures, rectal bleeding and backaches
  7. Emotional problems caused by suppressed feelings, especially grief
  8. Complaints that are generally worse for heat

Common Name: Phos.

Formal Name: Phosphorus

Alias: White Phosphorus, Yellow Phosphorus

  1. Anxiety and fear caused by deep-seated insecurity
  2. Bleeding and circulatory problems
  3. Digestive disorders
  4. Respiratory complaints
  5. Ailments characterized by burning pain

Common Name: Silica

Formal Name: Silicea Terra

Alias: Quartz, Rock Crystal, Pure Flint

  1. General undernourishment that leads to recurrent infections
  2. Skin and bone complaints
  3. Expelling foreign objects such as splinters
  4. Nervous system problems
  5. Ear, nose & throat conditions - recurrent colds, swollen glands, ear infections and tonsillitis leading to quinsy
  6. Digestive disorders with a weak digestive system with intolerance of particular foods, especially fat and milk
  7. Headaches with severe pain starting at the back of the head an extending over to the forehead with dizziness and visual disturbances
  8. Coughs - a persistent dry and irritating cough that takes the form of severe, exhausting coughing bouts

Common Name: Sulfur

Formal Name: Sulfur

Alias: Flowers of Sulfur, Brimstone, Sublimated Sulfur

  1. Skin complaints, especially eczema where the skin is red, inflamed, itchy and hot
  2. Digestive disorders
  3. Gynecological complaints
  4. Mental stress
  5. Respiratory illness - Dry sore throat with a choking feeling, swollen tonsils and hoarseness