Sore Gums

Sore gums can happen at anytime and are therefore considered to be rather commonplace. Yet they can be painful and it may seem as though no relief is fast enough.

Sore gums may be a problem that plague us our whole life. On a temporary basis, you may experience sore gums after brushing too hard, after a visit to the dentist, or after eating something that may have scratched the surface of the gums.

This may be an even more common problem for those that have false teeth because the gums may flare up in response. Whatever the cause, the irritation and pain that is associated with this condition can seem unbearable.

It is often difficult to eat or talk, and there may even be bleeding present. You may have a common problem such as gingivitis, and therefore sore gums may be something to take seriously.

It may be a good idea to pay a visit to the dentist. You want to ensure there isn’t a deficiency that is contributing to the sore gums or something related to the problem in terms of a health problem.

In addition to the many rubs, gels, or rinses that one can find out there, you can also turn to some rather effective home remedies for sore gums.

Home Remedies for Sore Gums:

Rose Hip Tea:

Many of us have heard of rose hip tea, but may not realize the actual healing power it possesses. In this instance, drinking a hot cup of rose hip tea may help to relieve the pain and inflammation that is often associated with sore gums.

Taking a supplement that contains the rose hip herb can also be helpful.

Marigold Tincture:

This is a lesser known herbal supplement, but it helps to provide great relief nonetheless.

Marigold tincture works well as a home remedy for sore gums because it is to be applied directly to the site of the problem. This will help to naturally and quickly reduce any swelling and get the pain to subside quite effectively.

Lavendar Leaves:

The smell is intoxicating, but the application is extremely effective. Taking lavender leaves and rubbing it directly onto the site of the problem may work quite well as a home remedy for sore gums. It also works as an antiseptic so; in many cases, it can go to work on the source of the problem as well.