Parkinson’s Disease

Though turning to natural cures may not do much to prevent this disease, they may be of great help in managing it.

Parkinson’s disease attacks the central nervous system, and the results and symptoms associated can be quite devastating.

For the individual that suffers from this disease, they may lose their motor skills and sometimes the symptoms can manifest rather quickly. This may result in tremors, rigid muscles, and a great deal of pain.

This may also result in a loss of muscle movement and a loss of speech over time. As you can imagine, these losses result to adjusting to a new normalcy in life and that can be difficult for the patients as well as their loved ones.

Though family history may play a role in the onset of Parkinson’s disease, it may come about for no reason at all. This is the type of disease that becomes much worse as it progresses, and time seems to be the enemy.

Though there are medications, it may be difficult to prevent or alleviate all of the symptoms or the progression of the disease. However in association with the advice and treatment prescribed by your doctor, there may be some additional measures that can prove to be quite helpful.

Home Remedies for Parkinson’s Disease

Turning to home remedies for Parkinson’s disease may help not only to lessen the symptoms, but may help with the task of managing it as well.

These home remedies may make the symptoms a bit easier to live with and may even help to prevent additional symptoms in some instances.

Vitamin E Supplement

This may be one of the very best home remedies for Parkinson’s disease. The reason being that in some recent studies, it has been found that large amounts of Vitamin E may help to slow the progression of the disease.

Though this is still under debate, at the very least taking a Vitamin E supplement may prove to be helpful in managing the symptoms and making them easier to live with overall.

Fresh Juice

It has been found that diet may be of great importance in managing this disease. Therefore turning to fresh and natural vegetable and fruit juices may help to manage the symptoms, therefore making them a great home remedy for Parkinson’s disease.

It’s important to cleanse the system and only consume fresh and natural vegetable and fruit juices as much as possible. This may help alleviate symptoms or lesson the intensity of the symptoms.

Heat Therapy

This is a simplistic measure, but should be utilized in the treatment of this disease.

Applying heat to the muscles that are sore or stiff may bring about some great relief. So while it’s important to remain active to prevent the muscles from getting too stiff, it’s equally as important to turn to heat as a simple and effective home remedy for Parkinson’s disease.

Applying heat packs, heating pads, or taking warm baths may help to keep muscles flexible and free from pain or stiffness, and that’s important with managing this disease overall.

Lifestyle Changes

Although there are really no foods that can definitively help in Parkinson's disease, there are foods that can help ease some of the symptoms associated with Parkinson's.

For instance, constipation is a common occurrence, eating foods that are high in fiber can help prevent constipation and make sure to drink enough fluids throughout the day.

You may also want to discuss an exercise plan with your doctor as this can help with balance and strengthening the muscles.