Nail Fungus

An infection of nail fungus, called onychomycosis happens when fungi infect one or more nails. When it first starts, it looks like a white or yellow spot under the tip of a fingernail or toenail. The spread of the nail fungus causes your nail to discolor, thick, and crumble at the edges. About half of all nail disorders are because of nail fungus, and these infections usually develop on nails that are routinely in contact with moist environments. Nail fungus and athlete’s foot are not the same, but sometimes the same type of fungus can cause them.

Home Remedies For Nail Fungus

How To Prevent Nail Fungus

Like most infections, nail fungus is easier to prevent than treat. If you follow good foot hygiene, you should not have a problem with nail fungus. That includes taking the following steps:

  • Keep your nails trimmed short and make sure they are dry and clean.
  • Wear socks that keep moisture away from your feet. Take shoes off periodically during the day. You should alternate closed and open-toed shoes.
  • Use an antifungal spray or powder on your feet and the insides of your shoes.
  • Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from the effects of too much water.
  • Avoid trimming or picking at the skin around your nails.
  • Do not go barefoot in public places such as pools, showers, and locker rooms.
  • Be careful of the manicure and pedicure salon you choose.
  • Avoid nail polish and artificial nails as this can trap unwanted moisture and worsen the infection.
  • Wash your hands after touching an infected nail as the infection can spread from nail to nail.

How To Get Rid Of Nail Fungus

Nail fungus can be very difficult to treat, so it’s not always possible to use home remedies or natural cures. For severe cases, your health care professional will need to give you a prescription medication to clear up the infection, but for milder cases, less invasive treatments are possible.

Antifungal Lacquer

Instead of oral medications, for mild to moderate cases, your doctor may order an antifungal nail polish. You paint the lacquer on your infected nails and surrounding skin once a day for seven days. After seven days you wipe the layers clean with alcohol and begin with new applications. Although daily use of this medication for up to one year has helped clear fungal infections, statistics show it has cured the infections in less than 20% of patients using this product.

Topical Medications

Anti-fungal medications such as econazole nitrate are also effective for treatment but do not cure the infection. You may also need to purchase an over the counter lotion that contains urea in order to speed up absorption. It is recommended that these medications be used along with an oral medication that will cure the infection.