
We’ve all heard about “hemorrhoids” being a part of the “joys” of pregnancy, and also an “affliction” for those “packing-pounds.”

It’s true that “pregnancy” and “extra –poundage” can lead to a hemorrhoid, but anyone can suffer from hemorrhoids. Many factors lead to the development of hemorrhoids. These include poor diet, incorrect posture, constipation, frequent bowel movements, and occupations in which someone “sits” for prolonged periods of time.

A hemorrhoid can protrude outside the anus or be located within the rectum. Hemorrhoids usually burn, itch, and can be very painful, especially when the “inflamed tissue” of the hemorrhoid is irritated.

Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids:


Remember Mom “harping” on you to “straighten your posture?” She was smart to do so because “good” posture is a natural cure from the awful symptoms of hemorrhoids and a preventative measure to ward off future hemorrhoids. Good posture naturally cures the problem of placing too much “stress” on your lower region (where hemorrhoids happen) by evenly distributing weight throughout the body.

Get Up And Move:

If you “sit” on your “rump” for a long time each day, such as at a desk or in front of a computer, consider this natural cure for relief from and prevention of hemorrhoids. Get Up and Move every 2 hours, giving your back and rear a “rest” from the pressure caused by sitting for a long time. If you work at home consider this a “home remedy” but you should heed this advice even outside the home.


Food can either help reduce your chances of getting a hemorrhoid or irritate and worsen hemorrhoids. A balanced diet is recommended to assist your body in operating at its peak. This can prevent hemorrhoids and also decrease the discomfort of existing hemorrhoids. You should stay away from “irritant foods” such as nuts, milk, and cheese when you have a hemorrhoid as these can cause increased bowel functions and can also “irritate” the tissue of the hemorrhoid.

Soak Away The Discomfort Of Hemorrhoids:

Taking a “soak” in a bathtub filled with warm water or warm water mixed with “Epsom Salts” naturally cures you from the discomfort of hemorrhoids and no list of home remedies would be complete without sharing this home remedy with you. Bathing also helps to keep the area of the hemorrhoid and surrounding skin areas clean, which reduces irritation.

Don’t Wear Tight Clothing:

This home remedy hands on the closet rack or is neatly folded in your dresser drawers. People will often “forget” to mention the benefits of staying away from wearing “tight” clothing” when “discussing” various home remedies and natural cures. But clothes that are too-tight can add pressure to sensitive areas causing hemorrhoid and tight clothes will definitely “irritate” a hemorrhoid more by “rubbing against” these already “sore” and “inflamed” tissues.