Gall Bladder Disorders

There are a variety of gall bladder disorders, but the most common symptom is great abdominal pain.

There can be discomfort, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and any other variety of symptoms associated with any type of gall bladder problem, but it will almost always cause serious abdominal pain and discomfort.

The most common type of gall bladder disorder is gallstones which is the deposit of cholesterol at its’ most basic form. Sometimes the gall bladder can become inflamed and this too will cause the same type of symptoms as well.

It matters not which type of disorder an individual has, suffice it to say it will cause some serious pain that needs to be dealt with. Women are more prone as fluctuations in weight and hormones will contribute to the likelihood of gall bladder problems.

It is highly recommended that an individual with any such problem seek medical attention immediately as it is very important to get proper attention, diagnosis and treatment.

In some instances surgery may be necessary. In other cases, it’s a matter of waiting for the gallstone to pass. A doctor must determine just how serious the disorder is and properly diagnose what the problem really is.

It can be good to know that if you are prone to gall bladder disorders or are looking for home remedies to go hand in hand as part of your treatment plan, there are some excellent ones out there.

Home Remedies for Gall Bladder Disorders:


You don’t often hear of pears specifically coming up as natural cures, but in this case it is one of the most effective home remedies for gall bladder disorders.

Eating pears each and every day and drinking natural pear juice can be your best natural defense in working through any gall bladder issues or helping to remove any gallstones that may be present.


Who knew that this weed found in nature could provide such a potent supplement?

Taking an appropriate amount of dandelion juice and mixing it with watercress can provide an excellent home remedy for gall bladder disorders. This will ensure that the symptoms subside and it can even work in the prevention of any such disorder in the future.

Beet, Carrot, and Cucumber Juices:

Taking the fresh natural juices of beets, carrots, and cucumbers creates a very powerful and potent concoction.

If you drink this combination each and every day when you start to feel the symptoms, it can work as an extremely effective home remedy for gall bladder disorders.

It can even help you if you have a genetic predisposition to such a problem.