5 Natural Ways to Quit Smoking

Smoking can be one of the hardest things to give up. It’s there for you when you have your morning cup of coffee. It’s there for you after you’ve eaten a large meal. It’s a bad habit that has been there for you over the tough times.

There’s no question about it – smoking is tuff to quit but quitting can save your life, it can change the lives of those around you, it can possibly keep your young children from getting older and picking up the habit.

If you’ve tried patches, medicines, hypnosis or whatever it was you sought to help with the nicotine cravings and they didn’t seem to work for you why not give the natural way a go?

The desire to light up in the first days will be hard especially as you may experience physical withdrawals, headaches, stress, and irritability but these are only temporary - you can kick the habit.

Drink Water and Drink it through a Straw

Nicotine is very addictive and a toxin that permeates your body. It gets in and it’s hard to get out. Water is a natural detoxifier and can help flush your body of nicotine.

Drinking water through a straw can actually help trick your mind that you’re puffing on a cigarette. You know the old saying - mind over matter.
Water will help you feel more energetic, more alert, and clean on the inside. Get a water bottle, fill it partially with ice and take it with you to work, to keep in the car as you’re driving around, etc.

Work Place Challenges

The challenge with quitting smoking and going in to work every day, is there may be others that smoke or some co-workers that may be a bit of a challenge.

If these might be hard for you, quit over the weekend, maybe even take an extra day vacation to give yourself time.

If there is another person at work who was a former smoker, ask them if they can be there for you when you need support. They’ve been through it and can be there for you when times get tough.

What’s in Your Mouth?

Well hopefully it isn’t a cigarette. Part of the habit of smoking is having something in your mouth. In place of smoking and having a cigarette in your mouth, try chewing gum, sucking on a piece of hard candy. Saying this - look for candies low in sugar – we don’t want you to quit smoking just to have a mouthful of cavities.

Chose low calorie healthy snack options like carrots, snap peas, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. Eat smaller portions at mealtime to avoid having the urge to go out and smoke and to help you from gaining weight.

Keep a Journal, Mindful Reflections

Keeping a journal can be a good way to help you break the cigarette habit. Keep a small notepad that you can easily carry in a coat pocket or purse.
When you feel an urge to get up and smoke, write down in your journal what it is you are feeling, what you’re doing that triggered the feeling to have a cigarette.

When you know your triggers you can then defuse them by changing up the routine or avoiding the situation (if possible). For example if you smoke on your 15 minute break at work, take a short walk instead. If you smoke in the car, don’t bring cigarettes with you, bring your water instead.

It’s Not all Downhill from Here, There are Plenty of Benefits

OK, it might be tough but it isn’t all that bad, you’re on the road to success not on a path to destruction.

There are some great benefits when you quit smoking like the food you eat will taste better, you don’t smell like an ashtray, you will feel more alive and energetic; the kids don’t shy away from you when you give them a kiss goodnight.

Aren’t your kids alone reason enough to continue on, it’s gratifying to be the recipient of one of their kisses and power hugs and not have them say – you smell funny.

After you’ve quit smoking for a while and you’re stand next to a smoker and your nose starts burning from the smoke or just the smoke that has permeated their clothing – you’ll know what your kids and others were experiencing standing next to you.

This is not going to happen overnight but if you’re patient you will get there, you will break the habit and quit smoking.