
Diarrhea is a common condition whose symptoms include loose, watery stools, and uncontrollable urges to defecate.

It is often caused by overeating, a bacterial, viral, or parasitic infection, extreme fatigue, emotional anxiety, and mild food poisoning.

Even a short bout of diarrhea depletes the body of potassium, magnesium, and even sodium.

The sufferer can become tired and dehydrated.

Home Remedies For Diarrhea:

There are many home cures and herbal remedies to alleviate the diarrhea and the lingering post diarrhea symptoms.

Drinking Plenty of Fluids:

Home remedies for diarrhea are to avoid solid food, and drink plenty of water, or other fluids.

Especially important in infants and children, is to avoid dehydration and maintain the proper amount of electrolytes in the body by drinking special drinks formulated just for this purpose.

Introduce bland solids back into the diet gradually.

Warm Milk:

One home remedy is to bring milk to a hard boil, but don’t let it boil over.

When it cools, it will have a film over the top.

Drink the entire mixture, including the film.

There are variations of this cure, but the common ingredient appears to be warmed milk.

A West Indian natural remedy is bringing milk to a hard boil, adding a pinch of allspice, and drinking it.

A Pennsylvania Dutch home cure is to bring milk to a hard boil, and add two pinches of cinnamon to the milk.

The person with diarrhea should drink this every time they are thirsty, until the diarrhea has ended.

A Brazilian home cure is to add 2 pinches of cinnamon and a pinch of ground clove to one cup hot milk, and sip it slowly.

Cinnamon And Cayenne Pepper:

Another home cure for diarrhea is a tea of:

  • 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon and
  • 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • bring to a boil in one cup of water
  • allow to simmer for 20 minutes

1/4 cup of this tea should be drunk every half hour.

Onion And Raspberry Tea:

A different type of natural remedy for diarrhea is to grate an onion, and squeeze it through a cheese cloth to obtain the juice.

Take a teaspoon of the onion juice and a cup of warm raspberry tea every hour until the diarrhea is gone.

Blackberries And Raspberries:

Blackberries and raspberries seem to provide curative effects for diarrhea.

Likewise, blackberry and raspberry juice, tea, brandy, or wine is recommended for curing diarrhea.