Childrens Cough

Children can cough for a number of reasons, and it may not necessarily be a cold. In many cases, allergies are more a cause of cough than a cold.

Of course, it’s important to make sure why your child is coughing, and make sure that it isn’t something serious, especially if your child is asthmatic.

Like adults, a child may cough because their throat is dry, the room is dry, something is caught in their throat, or because they are coming down with a cold or other upper respiratory infection (URTI or URI).

Children can’t take many of the strong medications that adults take, and in their small bodies, we want to provide them with a natural cure for their cough.

Home Remedies for Childrens Cough:


Prepare a cup of peppermint tea and make it very strong. Use at least two bags to the standard teacup if you’re using bags.

Allow the tea to steep until it has a very dark color. A tablespoon of honey can be added to take away some of the bitterness, which will also help soothe the throat.

Do not let your child gulp the tea because the most beneficial effect is obtained if you inhale the steam from the tea. You want him to hold the cup beneath his nose and inhale the fumes.

The combination of both fumes and drinking the tea will loosen any mucus in his chest, allowing for more productive coughing.

Some children may be not want to drink the tea even with the honey, but if they breathe the fumes, they will derive almost as much benefit than from drinking the tea.

Drape a towel over his head and allow him to breathe the fumes until the tea cools.

Ginger And Honey:

Another home remedy that is safe for a child is to mix equal parts of ginger juice and honey.

Give your child the mixture 2-3 times a day as needed for his cough.


Make your child a cup of regular hot tea with a teaspoon or two of honey and a few drops of lemon.

If your child isn’t fond of tea, a teaspoon of honey from the jar several times a day will also help his cough.

Garlic, Oregano, And Honey:

Put three cloves of garlic and one teaspoon of oregano in boiling water and allow the water to boil for about four minutes. Pour into a cup with honey and drink.

Some of these your child may not enjoy, but they work much better and are better for him than the medicine in the drugstore or that the doctor prescribes.

These home remedies have no alcohol or preservatives, and will work every bit as well as the best cough syrup in the store.