Body Odor

Body odor occurs naturally in everyone, and is caused by a combination of perspiration, natural bodily secretions, and bacteria.

The number one, common sense natural remedy to eliminate body odor, is regular bathing (paying special attention to the groin and armpit areas) with soap and water.

No matter what type of problem might contribute to body odor, there is no way to eliminate it without regular bathing.

Home Remedies for Body Odor:

Deodorant Soaps:

The best type of soap to use is anti-bacterial or deodorant soap, because it helps delay the return of bacteria.

How often you need to bathe depends on your own natural body chemistry, the time of the year (bathe more often in hot weather) and your activity level. Remember that perspiration glands and bacteria grow both in the day and at night.

If your body odor is particularly troublesome, showering or bathing in the morning, and at night, might be necessary.

If you find that commercial deodorant soaps are not eliminating your body odor, you can purchase stronger, antibacterial, surgical scrubs; such as iodine, over the counter in pharmacies.

Remember, as you become acclimated to certain smells, when you come into contact with them on a regular basis, you may not be able to smell your own body odor.

Ask your partner, a friend, or family member, if they think you might be smelling of body odor.

Clean Clothes:

Be sure to wear clean clothes. No matter how often you bathe, if you put dirty clothes back on, you will be putting your body odor back on as well.

Choose clothing made of natural fabrics, such as cotton or silk, which absorb moisture more readily allowing it to evaporate.


Commercial deodorants are very effective at masking underarm odor in most people, and antiperspirants not only mask the underarm odor, they inhibit perspiration, which is one of the main causes of body odor.

Inhibiting perspiration also deprives moisture loving bacteria of its ideal, moist, growth environment.

Antibiotic Cream:

If you can’t, or prefer not to, use commercial deodorants or antiperspirants, an effective alternative is topical antibiotic cream.

Instead of masking odor, or preventing perspiration, antibiotic cream prevents bacteria from growing when applied to the underarm area, antibiotic cream has no perfume or other ingredients that can be irritants, and cause rashes in sensitive skin.

Another alternative to deodorant or antiperspirant, are chunks of mineral salts, formed into crystals, which, when rubbed under the arms, helps keep bacteria under control, without irritating the skin.

This is marketed under various brand names and is available in cosmetic departments and health food stores.