Appetite Loss

Though appetite loss strikes all of us at some point or another, it can have some rather serious implications. If this becomes a regular problem or is associated with other symptoms, it can be related to some rather unique health conditions.

Some people may experience a rather short bout with appetite loss whereby it goes away as quickly as it comes on.

This can be a result of a stomach virus, associated as a side effect of a medication, or be due to some sort of health condition. Whatever the cause for appetite loss, it can become quite worrisome if it carries on over time or doesn’t seem to resolve itself.

If this goes on for a rather lengthy amount of time or is associated with other symptoms, it may be wise to seek out medical attention.

It’s important to ensure that there isn’t anything serious going on and only a doctor may provide appropriate diagnosis and treatment. A patient must be seen for a full evaluation and appropriate treatment to ensure it is resolved.

In many instances it may go away on its own or may very well be linked to something that needs further investigation.

Fortunately there are some home remedies for appetite loss that can be quite helpful, and they are well worth looking into. These can help the individual to feel normal and be able to eat as they regularly do.

Home Remedies for Appetite Loss:

Lime and Ginger:

Ginger is usually associated with the healing of any stomach conditions, so it makes sense that it’s a part of the healing process for a sudden or prolonged loss of appetite.

In this case, mixing the juice of a fresh lime with fresh ginger makes an excellent drink that serves well as a home remedy for appetite loss.

Gooseberry Powder, butter and Honey:

One truly effective home remedy for appetite loss involves a combination of gooseberry powder, honey, and butter.

This paste is to be consumed before each meal to promote the appetite and allow the individual to eat regular portions at each sitting.


Eating oranges on a regular basis can be an excellent natural cure for appetite loss.

In this situation, there is something within the oranges that helps to stimulate the appetite and therefore provides great help to the individual suffering with this problem.

It is recommended that to be the most effective that the oranges be eaten before meals, at least 2-3 times daily.