Home Remedies using Yellow Dock

Species Name: Rumex crispus.

Also known as: Curly Dock, Chin-chiao-mai, Sour Dock, Narrow Dock and Amla Vtasa.

What is Yellow Dock:

This herb is a small leafy plane that grows wild in Europe and in the United States.

This herb looks like rhubarb. The green leaves are often used in salads while the root is used in herbal remedies.

Benefits and Uses of  Yellow Dock:

Yellow Dock is considered beneficial for  treating the liver or gallbladder.

Yellow dock is a very safe herb.

The Yellow Dock root is ground up and brewed to make a bittersweet tea.

Once brewed into a tea it can be used to treat an enlarged liver and also can help purify the blood.

Yellow Dock can also be found in a tincture and need only a half of a teaspoon. The dosage using the herb itself is large in order to use it effectively.

You can also make a salve out of this root yourself; this salve can be used to help itchy skin.

If you do end up using a lot of his herb it can have a laxative-like effect until your body adjusts to it..

Side Effects of Yellow Dock:

Aside from mild diarrhea and or loose stool in some people, yellow dock is rarely associated with side effects.

Take the herb as directed, and if you do start to feel differently from taking this herb, contact a doctor.

This herb is thought to be helpful during pregnancy to give strength and tone to the whole system of the woman.

But you should always consult with your doctor if you are pregnant and ask before you consider taking this supplement.