Xiao Yao Wan

Also known as: Xiao Yao Pian, Xiao Yao San, relax extract, free and easy wanderer.

What is Xiao Yao Wan: This herb has been around for some time in traditional Chinese medicine and is often used for relieving stagnated liver energy or Qi.

It is estimated that at least half the population of the world has liver stagnation with problems and symptoms that come as a result of this liver problem.

This herb can significantly ease the symptoms and help clear up your liver. However, it is meant for short term use, not life time use.

If you are using it for an extended time, it is recommended that you look at the underlying root of your liver problems. What are you doing to damage your liver and off-balance your Qi?

Home Remedies using Xiao Yao Wan:

Benefits of Xiao Yao Wan:

Xiao Yao Wan has been used for some time in traditional Chinese medicine and it is a commonly used herbal remedy for anxiety, irritability, stress, and depression due to the challenge of a daily life or premenstrual tension.

There are several disorders that are caused by Qi liver stagnation. They include depression, moodiness, uncontrollable anger, menstrual disorders such as PMS and endometriosis, high blood pressure and even headaches.

There are different causes of Qi liver stagnation such as intolerance to milk and dairy products, stress and emotional disorders, common toxins such as alcohol, coffee, caffeine, nicotine and even hormones from your own body.

Xiao Tao Wan works best when combined with a treatment plan to rid your body of the toxins or conditions that are causing your liver stagnation in the first place such as limiting or quitting your ingestion of alcohol, caffeine and other toxins or getting treatment for hormonal imbalances or depressions and emotional disorders.

Uses of Xiao Yao Wan:

  • Chronic hepatitis
  • Neurosis
  • Functional uterine bleeding
  • Anemia
  • Mastopathy
  • Premenstrual tension
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability and stress
  • Depression
  • This herb usually comes in pill form and is taken as a dietary supplement. Dosage will vary according to manufacturer and brand but can be as much as 8 pills, 3 times a day. Follow the instructions on your particular brand.

Side Effects of Xiao Yao Wan:

None known when used properly.