White Oak Bark

Species Name: Quercus alba L.

Also Known As: Oak bark, Quercus robur, Stone oak, Common White Oak, Hu (Chinese name), Tanner's bark, British Oak, Gospel Oak, and Quebec Oak

Native to England, the White Oak tree has been naturalized to the US, mostly in the East.

The lumber from these trees is used to make cabinets, tables and other furniture. The acorns were once dried and ground into flour by Native Americans.

What is White Oak Bark? White Oak Bark is taken from the inner bark of the Quercus alba tree. The bark is dried or toasted with gentle dry heat.

This concentrates the volatile oils in the bark. The bark comes in dried or powdered form. It is also made into a tincture, or alcohol extract.

Tea and capsules are also available. White Oak Bark can be used topically in baths, washes, and as an astringent.

Home Remedies Using White Oak Bark:

Benefits of White Oak Bark:

Historically the Romans used White Oak Bark in the treatment of chronic diarrhea, dysentery, and hemorrhage.

In the early nineteenth century it was used to “tan” throat membranes to stop sore throat pain and prevent re-infection by bacteria and viruses. It is used to reduce vein inflammation and strengthen blood vessels.

White Oak Bar contains Tannin and Quercin. Tannin is an astringent; the oak tannins can absorb toxins and soothe inflamed tissues. It also contains minerals Manganese, Calcium and Zinc. Other constituents include starch, resins, calcium oxalate, and quillaic acid.

White Oak Bark is a natural source for tannic acid, which is used to treat stomach and digestive ailments. As a wash it can benefit skin health. This is why White Oak Bark is used in natural skin creams.

Primarily White Oak Bark is used to create bath additives and gargles. It helps stop bacterial and viral infections and the alcohol tincture applied topically can help in the treatment of Staph infections.

White Oak Bark can be used as a gargle to treat sore throats. A tea or infusion can also be used in the treatment of bleeding gums.

Topical application is helpful in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases, or hemorrhoids. White Oak Bark can be used in a bath to treat overall skin irritations and inflammation in the genital area.

Taken internally White Oak Bark can be used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, and to strengthen vascular walls. White Oak Bark is also used in the treatment of kidney stones.

Recent indications suggest that the bark dissolves the stones and also stops the surrounding bacteria growth. White Oak Bark consumption may also lower cholesterol.

Side Effects of White Oak Bark:

White Oak Bark is generally regarded as safe (GRAS) in the United States for both oral and topical use. Watch for an allergic reaction and generally use should be limited to 2-3 weeks.

White Oak Bark should not be used with hepatotoxic medications, or medicines that can damage the liver, due to possible additive side effects. White Oak Bark should not be used internally if you have Kidney damage.

It is recommended that you take oak bark 4 hours before or 4 hours after any prescription medication.