He Shou Wu

Species Name: Fo-Ti.

Also known as: Climbing Knotweed, Chinese Knotweed, Polygonum Multiflorum, Flowery Knotweed.

Unlike most herbs He Shou Wu can be used in two different forms which are called the processed and unprocessed forms.

The processed form of this herb is stronger than the unprocessed one. The root is the part of the herb that is used when making herbal remedies.

What is He Shou Wu: He Shou Wu is a plant that is native to China. It is also an inhabitant of both Taiwan and Japan.

In China the words He Shou Wu actually means “black-haired Mr. He”. It got this name from a legend about a man named Mr. He.

This man was a villager that was over a hundred years old. It is said that he took this herb and it kept his hair its natural black color and made him appear to be years younger than he really was.

The fleshy part of the plant stem that can be found extending away from the plant is called the rhizomes. This part is where new roots are formed for new plants. The roots and rhizomes are collected in the autumn months and then dried out to be used in herbal remedies.

Home remedies using he shou wu:

Benefits of He Shou Wu:

The main benefit of He Shou Wu is preventing premature aging. It helps to keep or restore your hair to its natural color and aids in keeping your body strong.

In Chinese medicines it has also been used for vaginal discharge and erectile dysfunction of men.

White fo-ti is what the unprocessed form of this herb is called. It contains high percentages of chemicals that act as a laxative. When used topically and applied to the skin it can aid in healing acne, dermatitis, scrapes and athlete’s foot.

Red fo-ti is the name of the processed from and it helps to prevent heart disease and may help to reduce fat from depositing in the liver. Both forms of this herb can help to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol.

Uses of He Shou Wu:

  • Premature aging
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Laxative
  • Skin abrasions
  • Cholesterol
  • Tonic
  • Tablets

Side Effects of He Shou Wu:

Some of the side effects that are caused when using this herb includes diarrhea, nausea and stomach cramps.

Sometimes an allergic reaction may occur that includes rashes.

In high doses or when used for long periods of time it can cause your potassium levels to drop which can cause other serious problems.