
Species Name: Commiphora mukul.

Also known as: Balsamodendrom Mukul, Moql, Indian Bdellium Tree, Mukul, Moqle-arzagi, Commiphora.

The whole guggul plant is used to make herbal remedies and it normally begins to yield resin after about five years. It has been used as a healing remedy for many years.

What is Guggul: The commiphora mukul tree is considered to be a woody plant or a small tree with thorns. It can grow up to about four meters and has branches that spiral outward.

This tree can mainly be found in the rough and rocky terrain in the Northern parts of India, but has also been located in Eastern Himalayas, Northern Africa and in Central Asia.

Guggul is a resin that is produced by this tree. If the tree is healthy it can produce up to five hundred grams of guggul in just one season alone, which is very impressive.

This herb belongs to the plant family Burseraceae. The leaves on this tree have uneven toothed edges and the fruit it bears is egg-shaped and red in color.

The flowers are unisexual and range from a red or pink to a brown color and have four small petals. Guggul is used as an herbal remedy for many different medical conditions.

Home remedies using Guggul:

Benefits of Guggul:

Guggul is beneficial in treating conditions that include obesity, lowering cholesterol and rheumatism.

It is also believed that this herb can help to lower the risk factors involved with coronary artery disease. It is used to help prevent heart conditions because it can reduce the plaque that can block arteries.

Studies suggest that guggul is also beneficial in helping people lose weight by increasing the production of the thyroid hormone. Guggul contains anti-inflammatory agents and has been used to treat arthritis.

This herb has also been used to treat people that suffer from hypertension.

Uses of Guggul:

  • Obesity
  • Rheumatism
  • Heart conditions
  • Hypertension
  • Capsules
  • Extrace

Side Effects of Guggul:

The side effects that are associated with guggul include diarrhea, stomach pain, rash and anorexia.

You should not use this herb is you have a liver condition or inflammatory bowel disease without the advise of your doctor.

It is advised that women who are pregnant or breast feeding should not use this herb.

If you are taking other medications whether it is a prescription drug or an over the counter medicine use guggul cautiously.