
Species Name: Annona Muricata.

Also known as: Brazilian Paw Paw, Soursop, Guanábano, Toge-banreisi, Guanavana, Corossol épineux, Guanábana, Nangka blanda, Durian guanaba, Benggala, Cachiman épineux, Huanaba.

The leaf, seeds, bark, root and fruit of this herb are used to make many different types of herbal medicines.

You can find the fruit from this tree being sold in many local markets throughout the Tropics.

What is Graviola: The graviola is a small evergreen tree that stands upright and has large dark green shiny leaves that are shaped similar to a heart.

It is an inhabitant of South America, North America and the Amazon. This tree can grow to about six meters high and has been associated with herbal remedies for many years. For instance, the oil from the leaves was added to the insides of the fruit to make a salve that would ease joint and muscle pain in Brazil.

Tea has been made for many years using this herb and drank as a sedative or nerve tonic.

Its fruit is white inside and has a fleshly appearance. It is known for its wonderful taste, which also makes a delicious beverage when drank out in the heat of the day.

The fruit on this tree grows to about the size of a cantaloupe and is a yellow greenish color. The graviola is a very popular herb that has many other benefits.

Home remedies using Graviola:

Benefits of Graviola:

Graviola is believed to have properties that are beneficial in treating some cancers. It is also used to fight fungal and bacterial infections when used externally.

It has been proven that this herb can help to lower your blood pressure. For many years graviola has been used internally to rid the body of parasites such as worms.

It is believed that this herb can be very beneficial when treating someone that is depressed or stressed out or anyone suffering from other nervous conditions.

Uses of Graviola:

  • Cancer
  • Infections
  • Internal parasites
  • High blood pressure
  • Depression
  • Leaf tea
  • Capsules
  • Liquid

Side Effects of Graviola:

There are not a lot of side effects associated with this herb however, large doses of graviola can cause a person to be nausea or begin vomiting.

It does need to be used carefully as it can lower blood pressure.

If your blood pressure is lowered to far it could cause other serious problems. As with all medicines if you are pregnant or breast feeding, then you should consult with your doctor before using this herb.