
Species name: Cinnamomum verum.

Also known as: C. zeylanicum, Indonesian cinnamon, Cassia.

Cinnamon has more uses than you might be aware of. It does so much more than just flavor your food. This herb has been around for many centuries and is one of the oldest medicinal herbs on record.

Scientific studies have never completely confirmed all the healing benefits of cinnamon but it is still widely used in the herbal community.

What is Cinnamon: What is cinnamon, exactly? The name cinnamon comes from Greek kinnámōmon, from Phoenician and akin to Hebrew qinnâmôn, itself ultimately from a Malaysian language. Malay and Indonesian kayu manis "sweet wood".

It is a small evergreen tree 10-15 m tall, belonging to the family Lauraceae, native to Sri Lanka and Southern India. The bark is widely used as a spice in cooking. But this herb also has medicinal uses.

Home Remedies using Cinnamon:

Cinnamon is one of the oldest known herbs in medicine. For many centuries it has been used to treat many common illnesses and conditions from flatulence to curing a toothache.

Overexposure to cinnamon can cause complications or side effects may be seen in someone who has not been exposed before so it should be introduced slowly. Excessively chewing cinnamon gum or using cinnamon toothpaste can lead to complications as well.

Benefits of Cinnamon:

There are many benefits to cinnamon. It is used as a carminative, astringent, stimulant and antiseptic. It is more powerful as a local than as a general stimulant and is prescribed in powder and infusion but usually combined with other medicines.

It stops vomiting, relieves flatulence, and given with chalk and astringents is useful for diarrhea and hemorrhage of the womb. The effects of cinnamon are very strong, especially if used as oil.

Cinnamon is most often used in addition to other health remedies. It can be used to ease the taste of another herbal remedy or to supplement the effects of another remedy.

Uses of Cinnamon:

  • As a spice in food
  • As an antioxidant
  • To ease vomiting and diarrhea
  • Cinnamon Water- 1 to 2 fluid ounces
  • Tincture of Cinnamon - 1/2 to 1 drachm.
  • Oil - 1/2 to 3 drops
  • Compressed Powder - 10 to 40 grains
  • Spirit - 5 to 20 drops

Side Effects of Cinnamon:

Some people may develop dermatitis after exposure to it. Also, some people may be allergic to it.