Blue Cohosh

Species Name: caulophyllum thalictroides.

Other Names by which Blue Cohosh is Known: Caulophyllum, papoose root, squawroot, blueberry root, blue ginseng, yellow ginseng.

Blue Cohosh has a wide variety of uses, dating from when Native American Chippewa wise-women used a for contraceptive purposes.

What is Blue Cohosh? Blue Cohosh is a plant found in shady wooded areas from New Brunswick to South Carolina and westward to Nebraska, abundant throughout the Allegheny Mountain region. 

Since the active ingredient in Blue Cohosh is not water soluble, tinctures made of the roots and rootstock are the most common forms of usage.

Home Remedies using Blue Cohosh:

Benefits of Blue Cohosh:

Blue Cohosh is beneficial for regulation of the menstrual cycle and to ease painful cramps. It is also used in formulas to treat endometriosis, chlamydia and cervical dysplasia, as well as a uterine tonic for nourishing and revitalizing uterine tissue after pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, or coming off the pill.

It is commonly used during the last 2-4 weeks of pregnancy to give the uterus a final toning, thus making the birthing process quicker.

It can be used during birth to ease labor pains, jump-start a stalled labor, and after birth to deliver a retained placenta and stop bleeding by helping the uterus clamp down without causing the cervix to close as well.

For these purposes, midwives usually use a combination of Blue and Black Cohosh, in equal amounts.

Uses of Blue Cohosh:

Blue Cohosh is often used alone or in combination with other herbs. Tinctures are used, because the herb’s active ingredients are not water soluble.  Forty to sixty drops of the combined tinctures are usually given every hour until contractions are even and strong.

Blue Cohosh may be used to promote uterine toning after pregnancy, or miscarriage.  It can also be used for easing menstrual discomfort.

Side Effects of Blue Cohosh:

As with any herb, don't over use blue cohosh. It is also not recommended for use by those who have kidney or heart problems of any kind, including high blood pressure and low blood pressure.

It should also not be used by those who are sensitive to estrogenic substances, such as estrogen-dependent tumors, or your physician has advised against the Pill.

Be sure to drink plenty of water. Side effects noted elsewhere are pain in the arms & legs, vomiting, and severe headache.